By Dr. Henning Ansorg, M.D., FACP, Health Officer County of Santa Barbara, Department of Public Health
Even if you previously had COVID-19, you should still get vaccinated.
Recent research suggests that people who have had COVID-19 should be immunized.
We do know, that the immunity against SARS-CoV2 wild type as well as the newer variants will be significantly better after vaccination.
Individuals who had COVID-19 may only require one dose of the Pfizer/BioNTech or Moderna vaccine to achieve optimal protection.
If you were treated for COVID-19 with monoclonal antibodies or convalescent plasma, you should wait 90 days before getting a COVID-19 vaccine. If you are unsure what treatments you received, please talk to your doctor.
In Santa Barbara County, all residents age 16 and older are eligible for a vaccine. Please click here for more information about the vaccines and appointments.
Here is the fact sheet for the Pfizer vaccine on the fda’s website. It explains what an EUA is and the conditions under which it is allowed. It also explains that the Pfizer vaccine “has not undergone the same type of review as an fda approved and cleared product.” Similar fact sheets are available for the other vaccines.
Clinical trials take years not months. If it is so safe, why is it that we have no legal recourse for damages?
“My immune system is working just fine”
Oh you are one of those. I’ll sit up here at the adults table.
People who are worried about the vaccine altering their DNA should maybe see this as an opportunity.
1:24 PM – Tell me, does the social media infoverse promise you recourse for the results of a case of COVID?
Eh, let people who want to get it, receive it; let those who choose not to, not. Fact is, the majority of people ARE receiving the vaccine and progress is being made. No need to attack those who choose to – or choose NOT to – receive the vaccine. It is what it is. Mind your beeswax.
Except vaccine deniers can kill by spreading the virus, not to mention acting as a source of variants, so it’s everyone’s business.
Pure gold, Headly, pure gold.
7:05 – You can find all kinds of cranks on the web, as aptly shown in your comment.
Love to hear your definition of a ‘crank’….
Someone who makes up nonsense to spread FUD. Or just harvests output from other cranks to spread FUD.
So you read all four articles in five minutes? Or you just immediately dismissed them?
I have no idea what “reddit” is. FUD is an established generic term for propaganda meant to spread Fear, Uncertainty, and Doubt, which is unquestionably what is going on here.
And it’s quite easy to judge the veracity of weblinks when they come from domains that routinely spread misinformation.
5 seconds of a web search can refute 7:05’s nonsense … e.g.,
This is at least the second time that you have falsely claimed that “FUD” is “jargon” from Reddit. I don’t know how one reaches such a level of not knowing stuff, but:,_uncertainty,_and_doubt “The term “fear, uncertainty, and doubt” appeared as far back as the 1920s,[1][2] whereas the similar formulation “doubts, fears, and uncertainties” even reaches back to 1693 the least.[3][4] By 1975, the term was appearing abbreviated as FUD in marketing and sales contexts[5] as well as in public relations”
“So you read all four articles in five minutes? ” There are thousands of articles from *reputable sources* that say otherwise and you haven’t read any of them. Here’s one:
And so on:
Apparently the vaccinated can also kill by spreading the virus.
Oh my…. did you actually read the article you cited?
Thanks – but not a chance. My immune system is working just fine. Anyone wanting to be a test subject for a SHOT that has not been tested or approved, be my guest – you can have my dose.
Hado- That official brand would be non fda approved, experimental, no civil recourse. Please excuse the lack of caps. I do cut out lab rat BS!
10:35 – Those who choose not to vaccinate put others at risk, just like those who choose to drink to excess and drive. Got it?
People who rely on tribal social media for medical information are being fed disinformation – why do they feel the need to perpetuate it and put other people’s health at risk?
Vaccine refusal is idiotic and dangerous.
The COVID vaccines are in no way experimental.
Herpes zoster is extremely common – it’s also known as chicken pox, but can reactivate or appear as shingles. COVID is not just influenza.
453-Mom was an RN for 40yrs and saw pharma for what it was. She told me not to take experimental drugs and that we cannot be truly confident about efficacy and safety until 7 years of general use. The “infoverse” to which you refer, is decidedly pro-vax. It obfuscates everything such as the 2 labs in Israel that found a 1.2% incidence of Herpes Zoster (a rare form of herpes) in vaccinated people. True or not, time will tell, measured in years not months.
Recourse? That would be suits against the bio lab if it could be proven to be the source. Our best bet is to, eat well, exercise, get sleep and minimize stress. We are healthy and Corna 19 version 1.0 as not worse than any other flu, but the mutations will be worse…..
my question was whether the people anonymously dragging unvaccinated people would do so in the same fashion with their coworkers, family members, friends etc who are still unsure about the vaccine? There are kind, intelligent, hard working people who are UNSURE. Not every person who hasn’t been vaccinated yet is a “stupid trump supporting Fox News watching dum*as$”.
Nobody intelligent is unsure about getting vaccinated.
I read an article from saying if you had covid 19 you should wait 5-6 months now before getting vacinated not 90 days -I wonder which one it is?
So easy to come on here and anonymously rail on people who are hesitant about getting the vaccine. Would you speak to family, friends, coworkers who are unsure like this?? I am not “anti-vax” but I respect others opinions what is best for their body. If the majority of the population are getting vaccinated, and it works, why the hate and disrespect to those who choose not to or arent sure?
SBGAL- What was rare was the severity and swiftness with which it hit him. He slipped into a coma in less than a day, and awoke 2 weeks later, a different (ruined) mind/nervous system. The care in Vienna was exquisite with meticulous MRSA protocols, unlike when we finally got him back to CA 2 months later. I have no quibbles with the zoster vaccine it has been around a long time, unlike Covid vaccines. Of Lab rats and lemmings…..
MTNDR- Zoster caused him to have acute brain swelling/bleeding, grandmal seizures and a 2 week coma. It took a year to learn to walk with a walker and he could never write to hard drive again. He could recount every detail of the Manhattan Project, or his childhood, but not what happened yesterday or an hour ago.
I said Covid 1.0 was no worse for us than a common flu, not that the mutations are so tame (for us!). Did those deceased “healthy” young folks eat crap, sleep little, and party hard? Vaccines or not, this is a time for organic, balanced diet and any other life changes for health and minimal stress. As to being a lab rat, it IS just about me!
Vaccines with years long track records are completely different from Experimental Vaccines proffered under emergency status.
But I give up. You’re right. It’s all good. You get your injection, I’ll stay home. You keep wearing your mask and keeping away from people, ’cause now you’re vaccinated and still need to wear masks and keep away from people.
“I said Covid 1.0 was no worse for us than a common flu”
Yes, you said it, and like nearly everything else you’ve said, you were wrong.
So are you posting that to embarrass Courtney Ann Taylor, Georgia, Errol Webber, and yourself all at once?
“Would you speak to family, friends, coworkers who are unsure like this??”
I would and I have.
“I respect others opinions what is best for their body. ”
It’s not a matter of opinion, and it’s not just about them.
“If the majority of the population are getting vaccinated, and it works, why the hate and disrespect to those who choose not to or arent sure?”
YouTub has removed that video … probably because it’s full of disinformation.
“Vaccines with years long track records are completely different from Experimental Vaccines proffered under emergency status.”
Yes, they are completely different in that the delay in developing the older vaccines resulted in millions upon millions of deaths and disabilities that can now be avoided due to new technology. The mRNA vaccines were extensively tested in a short amount of time and the applications for FDA approval are imminent.
“But I give up. ” It’s wise to give up on disseminating disinformation and employing irrational modes of thought and argument, and instead embrace critical thinking.
YouTube – the source of information for those who don’t care about facts.