Frog Wall Origins?

By Ruth C.

I’d like to include the Frog Wall in my new book, Secret California: a guide to the weird, wonderful and obscure coming out from Reedy Press this spring. Do you have any information on the origins of the wall?


Written by Anonymous

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  1. The serendipity of discovery of this frog wall was part of its charm; not a forced march to complete someone else’s checklist. Leave it alone. Just get out and explore your home town on your own – there are delights on every street.

  2. Next thing the land shark will be giving tours there. You’re book is going to change secret places. Why do we have to exploit this for profit. Maybe we should all drive by your place for fun with a bunch of
    tourists to google at whatever is going on there . Privacy much.

  3. So many mean and unhelpful responses here from people that seem to not want to allow others to experience the joy of something new. OP, I hope you found what you are looking for. Maybe your next book can be about the angry Edhat/Indy commenters who sit on their couches and hide behind their obscure handles to complain about any change in SB.

  4. Most of you sound like a bunch of snobs. I used to go see the elephant seals up along highway 101 30 years ago before it was all fenced off. It was one of those lovely secret areas. More and more people came. It was upsetting at first, but as it turns out, it was a good thing. They are well taken care of now and have grown in population 10 fold. People are kept at a distance so as to not disturb their habitat. Discovery and sharing is not always a bad thing. Lighten up a little.

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