Source: Robert Bernstein
The French Festival was back in a big way once again for 2017!
Unfortunately, we had to head out of town soon after the Festival began. But I was able to capture two acts!
Full disclosure: I was performing in the first act! That opening act of the Festival was the Santa Barbara Early Music Ensemble playing French songs of love from the Summer of Love… 1567! (A takeoff on the 50th anniversary of the 1967 Summer of Love).
We were directed by Christine Hollinger, standing in magnificently for our regular director Katie Saxon who had to leave us for her own music tour in Italy.
We even got to perform for the Royal Court!
The second act was provided by the Belly Dance Land of Cris! Basimah.
Don’t miss the video!
Of course, the French Festival is not just about France, but also about all French speaking lands, including French Polynesia, French North Africa, French Indochina and North American Acadian and Cajun.