By Greg
For years, I’ve wondered if it were my imagination that many years ago the Arlington Theater had the letters “FOX” on the steeple.
Was going to ask Edhat readers, but as I was squatting in the street this morning to take this photo, someone drove up, and when asked, mentioned he remembered when the “Fox’ letters were up there. About what year were those letters removed, Edhat readers?
We always called it the “Fox Arlington”. I have no idea when they took the Fox off the tower but I know it was lit up at night. I imagine it was there when the theatre opened in 1931 (my Mom was at the grand opening) and definitely through the 1950s, probably longer.
Where’s Neal Graffy? He’s bound to know the exact year.
Early 70’s: The “F” was out on one side and the “X” was out on the other so for some time we called it The Fo-Ox Arlington.
It’s still the Fox Arlington to me.