Fourth of July Fun

The dedicated staff of had a busy Fourth of July.  We started the morning with a nice run along the shoreline. At Chase Palm Park, we were surprised at the number of tents that had been pitched and spaces cordoned off, ready to be filled by holiday revelers.

On the way back, at Leadbetter, we passed by Martine Moya and his crew, readying two large barbeques to grill a mountain of chicken.  We jokingly asked what time dinner was and Mr. Moya told us that for the past fifteen years, he and his wife and kids have come down here on Independence Day to provide food for all who ask, free of charge.  “Life is short”, he told us.

Next, we headed to Maravilla’s annual Ice Cream Social, where we hung out with some of the residents, ate ice cream and listened to great music. Hearing the “greatest generation” tell their stories of days gone by made us think; these people have seen some very dark and challenging times in their lives.  And yet they have come through with wisdom and optimism to share with us. Sitting with them on a sunny afternoon made us feel sure that, no matter the trying times we find ourselves in today, we’re going to be alright.


By the end of the day, the dedicated staff was getting a little tired.  But – FIREWORKS! So we wandered over to the Mission, looking for friends and a picnic, pointed our faces toward the beautiful pyrotechnic display, and wished our country a Happy Birthday. 

Edhat Staff

Written by Edhat Staff

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