Flashback to Judy Garland in Santa Barbara

By Greg

If you haven’t seen this before, hear “La Cucaracha” sung by Judy Garland and sisters as “The Garland Sisters” in August 1935 when she was 13 year old. This was her first appearance in Technicolor. The short film is called “La Fiesta de Santa Barbara.”


Written by greg

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  1. They were the Grimm sisters, Garland was Judy’s stage name. Love this video, thanks for posting. One of the years I rode at the Bowl Leo Carrillo had the lead in the play. He rode in the Fiesta parade for years, with bags of confetti to toss about. Always a huge crowd pleaser.

  2. I stand corrected. **Thank you.** IMDb states that one filming location was the El Paseo Mexican Restaurant. I bet they were happy to have their restaurant be the film setting, apart from where people were stomping on cucarachas. (¡Olé!)

  3. Those who have seen “That’s Entertainment” may recall it includes this clip. This was one of the earliest films shot with the 3-strip Technicolor process and served as a vehicle to promote the process. Judy and her two sisters’ surname was Gumm but I guess they thought Garland was a better sell. One online source I found believes the film short was shot on an MGM lot (as opposed to on location in SB). Had no idea a cucaracha is a cockroach! ….. http://www.thevintagecameo.com/2014/01/la-fiesta-de-santa-barbara-1935/ …… http://www.thejudyroom.com/gummsisters.html

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