Here’s a pic of the only dense bloom of wildflowers we spotted as our Tuesday flight passed over the ridge from about Happy Canyon to Grass Mountain and Zaca Lake.
Tonight I’ll send Ed pix of the much larger multi-colored bloom we saw not far from there, to hopefully add an option for anyone considering a weekend wildflower drive.
Hopefully we’ll also hear from anyone with recommendations for the Fig.Mtn. area that we didn’t see. Such a beautiful flight (or drive), even when not blooming.
My recollection is this was the edge of a small meadow above the road at about 34.71043,-119.9135 on gMaps.
Pilot bias: not just a little further to wildflowers – by car – from SB. :/ It is from SY Valley though. By air it’s quick. Not having driven it in many years I forgot the time from SB. Driving it’s nearly double the time from SB to Fig.Mtn.
Still maybe worth it, so I’m tempted having seen it and enjoyed random stops along the drive way back when. I’d drive a “loop” route day trip to tour a variety of attractions. When our pix come out on Edhat you might agree. Or not.
So – anyone want to guess where we saw large patches of beaucoup dense wildflower varieties in the colorful pix we’re sending Ed?
Do you leave your camera GPS on? Wish I had, even though in this pic it doesn’t look like there’s a developed easy trail to these Fig.Mtn. yellow wildflowers. It sure would’ve been helpful for the many multi-color patches we saw near roads at the area more distant from SB. That way you could go direct to each patch.