Fiesta Parking Enforcement & Finding Spots

Source: Santa Barbara Police Department

Parking Enforcement During the Fiesta Historical Parade

To accommodate the needs of spectators at the Fiesta Historical Parade, the Santa Barbara Police Department will suspend enforcement of 75 and 90-minute curb parking on Friday, August 2, 2019 from 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. in the areas bounded by the following streets (including the perimeter streets).

This does not apply to City parking lots.

Above the freeway: Valerio Street on the north, Bath Street on the west, and Laguna Street on the east.

Below the freeway: Cabrillo Boulevard on the south, Castillo Street on the west, and Garden Street on the east.

All other parking regulations will be enforced.

Traffic Enforcement during the Fiesta Cruiser Ride

The Santa Barbara Police Department is advising participants of this year’s Fiesta Cruiser Ride to expect enforcement of all bicycle related traffic laws. During past events the Police Department has received complaints from the public about disorderly and hazardous conduct by the bicyclists participating in the ride. Additional officers will be deployed to monitor the event which is expected to take place on Sunday, August 4, 2019. Bicyclists are legally required to obey all traffic laws and violators will be cited, as appropriate. In addition, riding a bike under the influence of alcohol or drugs carries the same legal consequences of driving a vehicle under the influence.

The Fiesta Cruiser Ride, also referred to as the Fiesta Cruiser Run, is an unsanctioned cycling event characterized by a large number of participants occupying the roadway. In the past, some of the participants have disobeyed traffic laws resulting in unsafe conditions for themselves and motorists. Traditionally, the Fiesta Cruiser Ride begins in the morning in Santa Barbara’s Waterfront area with participants riding to Isla Vista and then returning to the Waterfront mid-afternoon via State Street.

The following are some of the most common bicycle related Vehicle Code violations:

  • 21202(a) VC: failure to ride as close as practicable to the right-hand curb, $196.00 fine
  • 21453(a) VC: failure to obey red signal light, $490.00 fine
  • 22450(a) VC: failure to obey stop sign, $237.00 fine
  • 21200.5 VC: riding a bike under the influence

To ensure a safe and enjoyable Fiesta, the Santa Barbara Police Department encourages all motorists, bicyclists, and pedestrians to be courteous and to follow the rules of the road.

Source: City of Santa Barbara

If you’re heading Downtown for Fiesta and need to find the closest and most convenient place to park, check the City’s Real-Time Parking web page, which shows parking availability at all City lots. With updates every 15 seconds, you’ll always know where to find the best Downtown space.

Click here to view the real-time map.


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