Feds Sue Central Coast Moving Company for Age Discrimination in Hiring Practices

Meathead Movers (courtesy photo)

The U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) filed a lawsuit against the San Luis Obispo moving company Meathead Movers, Inc., the largest independent moving company in California, for refusing to hire people based on age in September of this year.

The EEOC’s lawsuit charges that since at least 2017, Meathead Movers failed to recruit and hire applicants over 40 into moving, packing, and customer service positions. Meathead maintains a pattern or practice of recruiting and hiring young college students, intentionally excluding older workers regardless of their individual abilities, the EEOC complaint continues.

The company’s website touts its employees are “strong, clean-cut athletes” who jog when not carrying items to save customer’s time and money.

“Excluding older workers based on their age for marketing purposes is unlawful,” said Anna Park, regional attorney for the Los Angeles District Office. “Employers should remember that setting criteria and recruiting based on a person’s age violates federal law.”

The alleged conduct violates the Age Discrimination in Employment Act (ADEA), which prohibits discrimination based on age. The EEOC filed suit (EEOC v. Meathead Movers, Inc., Case No.: 2:23-cv-08177) in U.S. District Court for the Central District of California, after first attempting to reach a pre-litigation settlement through its conciliation process.

Los Angeles District Director Christine Park-Gonzalez said, “The incorrect and unfair assumptions that someone cannot perform a job because of their age — or that clients would prefer younger workers — are the impetus behind the Age Discrimination in Employment Act. The EEOC will continue to ensure an even playing field for applicants and employees in the workplace.”

Meathead Movers CEO Aaron Steed is fighting back against the EEOC’s claims.

In a public video posted to YouTube, Steed said the lawsuit was brought against him despite not a single person bringing forward a claim they have been discriminated against.

“The federal government brought this claim on behalf of themselves, and then demanded $15 million dollars in order to settle, knowing that would bankrupt my company,” said Steed. “And there’s no way I can agree to my company going out of business, especially for something we never did.”

He went on to state that his company has never discriminated against a potential employee saying if someone can meet the requirements and do the job, they are welcome to work.

“If you’re, say, 65 years old, and you want to move dressers up and down stairs, all day, and then jog when not carrying anything, all while maintaining a happy, upbeat, and enthusiastic attitude for our client, please apply at any of our locations,” Steed said.

Meathead Movers began in 1997 when Steed and his brother Evan were attending high school in San Luis Obispo. Today, it is the largest independent moving company in California and remains a 100% family-owned and operated business.

Steed said they currently have 320 employees and continue to offer 100% free moving services to victims of domestic abuse.

He said the decision to help families in need is personal to him based on his childhood experience. Last year alone Meathead movers did 248 moves free of charge for domestic abuse survivors.

“This company is worth fighting for, even if it is against the EEOC,” said Steed.

A GoFundMe has been set up to help the company raise legal expenses.

Edhat Staff

Written by Edhat Staff

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    • Reading the movers website highlighted in this article it seems EEOC could be using part of the movers statement against them, i.e., “Our founding principle is to support athletes working in pursuit of their dream career path, and that will never change.” There are older athletes that continue to pursue their dream, whatever it may be, in various sports. There is a specific time (September) listed in which this violation reportedly occurred so I’ll guess there is a complainant. Stead reports he “has never discriminated against a potential employee.” Could this be a current or past employee reporting they were discriminated against?

  1. 15MM for a fine? The message the Feds are sending is simply “we’re terminating you, a local business”. It’s no wonder people are more and more hating what big government. Talk about throwing gas on a fire. Total over reach.

  2. Yet another lefty sham perpetrated on small business. I heard the interview with the owner of “Meathead Movers” on (wait for it) Fox News! He indicated this was a grievance filed by EEOC with no one as the complainant!
    The analogy being one of being made to hire an unattractive person as a fashion model!
    Just another solution looking for a problem, this time at the Federal level. Right out of the grievance playbook, ie. there MUST always be an oppressed and there MUST always be an oppressor.
    This mantra is so tired and so old. People, (voters/ taxpayers) as so over it!

    • “lefty sham”


      ” People, (voters/ taxpayers) as so over it!”

      Nope, not in CA. I bet you’d be much happier in another state. Complain all you want, it’s CA and nothing is going to change your way any time soon. Best bet would be to relocate so you don’t have to complain non stop about everything. Just my thought.

      • Very predictable. How about telling all of us how many businesses YOU have OWNED? How many times YOU struggled to make payroll? How many times have YOU had a frivolous law suit or workers comp claim filed against you? How many times YOU struggled to keep a business afloat? How many times YOU had to deal with ever increasing state regulations resulting in passing the cost on to the consumer?
        Wait for it…NEVER!
        Just more of the same lefty talking points. Stick it to small business, make them deal with it! Up until businesses leave this socialist, business hostile environment and there’s no longer a tax base!
        That’s right, not enough taxes extorted from property or business owners to fund pet projects to “save” the environment , pay off public sector unions, house drug addicts who choose not to work, or support people who are here illegally.
        How truly pitiful.

    • I know plenty of 40+ people in town who are in great shape and fully capable of doing this. Age shouldn’t be a factor as long as they’re physically qualified. Look at all the 20 something wispy hipsters with beards and suspenders.

      If this was a strip club or something, I could understand. But I see lots of 40, even 50+ guys in the gym that are fully capable of keeping up. Shouldn’t exclude them based on an arbitrary number.

      • I do too sac. 40 0r 50 year olds that are BA and it can’t be denied.
        I was one once.
        I remember when they started business.
        Three guys from Cal Poly that had a workout program for Cal Poly athletes to make some side Hay and give a service to the community at a reasonable rate.
        20 years later they are a real moving company with a lot of work, and probably pretty well off.
        Well, that gives legal vampires a target.
        I’m all for them staying the course.
        Hopefully the courts will see it for what it is.

      • LOL…. yeah, pointing out there are weak young people and strong old people is just awful!

        Oh wait, because I joked about Hipsters? BWAHAHA! You defend, with great gusto, those who discriminate against others for HOW THEY WERE BORN, yet you cry foul if I tease some folks for HOW THEY CHOOSE to dress.

        Brilliant. You truly are the Voice of tReason!

  3. wonder what or who changed in the Feds recently to cause this action. perhaps it is politics at work. so best to contact
    the local Congressman and let him look into it. Unless this
    company supported his opponent. I recall when moving biz
    began to change: Two College Students? etc. and many
    copies of the idea. ie Starving Students? all over the USA.
    Or it a change from Mayflower and United companies. who
    may not like the competition. it seems that older workers would be a liability to avoid – due to Workman Comp rates for Insurance. might be best to fire all the workers and go pick up some eager illegals down by the tracks. and save on
    taxes too. the Feds are 100 percent behind this process.

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