Fallen Tree into Power Lines Causes Small Buellton Fire

By the edhat staff

A tree fell into powerlines on Highway 246 near Buellton causing a small brush fire on Sunday morning.

The Santa Barbara County Fire Department reports the fire started as a tree fell onto power lines and then a parked vehicle. A passing vehicle then ran over the downed lines.

Two fire engines responded and extinguished the tree fire and spot fires on both sides of the freeway, just west of Buellton. 

The freeway was closed for several hours. There were no reports of injuries or damaged structures.

Southern California Edison responded to the scene to repair the downed lines.

“Another reminder as we head into fire season to maintain your defensible space including trees that may be a threat to power lines on your property,” said the County Fire Department.

Photo: SBCFD

Edhat Staff

Written by Edhat Staff

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