Eleven Adopt-A-Park Spaces Available in Goleta

Goleta Noontime Rotary volunteers at their Adopt-A-Park location – Jonny D. Wallis Neighborhood Park

Watch Newly Released Promo to Find Out How to Get a Spot

The City of Goleta’s Adopt-A-Park program is taking off with many of its parks and open spaces adopted, but there is still time for you to get involved. There are eleven spots available now and ready for an individual or group to step up and adopt. To see the open locations, go to www.CityofGoleta.org/AdoptAPark. You can also watch our video explaining how to get involved:

Whether it is a place that you have a connection to or just a way to give back to your community, the commitment to adopting a park can be as much or as little time as fits into your schedule. You supply the time and we supply the equipment.

Tasks will vary depending on the adopted location, but examples of duties to be performed include, but not limited to:

  • Picking up trash
  • Sweeping walkways
  • Wiping down tables, benches and/or playground equipment
  • Occasional special projects

The City’s Adopt-A-Park coordinator Leonel Mendoza-Diaz said, “Some community members will spend an hour a week picking up trash along their walks, while others will gather with their neighbors or organizations they are affiliated with, for an hour or two once a month.”

In addition to providing a helping hand to your adopted location, you will also serve as an additional set of eyes to let the City know of any issues that need to be addressed.

Thanks to everyone who has participated in Adopt-A-Park since the program launched as a pilot project in December of 2019. Your time and effort go a long way in helping to keep Goleta’s parks and open spaces ready for everyone to enjoy.

If you are interested in learning more about the program, visit our webpage at www.CityofGoleta.org/AdoptAPark or email Leonel Mendoza-Diaz, at lmendoza-diaz@cityofgoleta.org.

Leonel Adopt-A-Park with Play Button
Watch Video

Lake Los Carneros Adopt-A-Park volunteers from the Northside Optimist Club of Santa Barbara

Adopt-A-Park Lake Los Carneros Northside Optimist Club of Santa Barbara


Written by CityofGoleta

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