Elderly Man Arrested for Shooting at Teens Near Stevens Park

Update by the edhat staff
September 6, 2023

An 82-year-old man fired a handgun at three teens in Stevens Park on Monday.

Roy Eugene Stephenson Jr. was arrested on Monday afternoon and booked on felony charges that include assault with a deadly weapon and making threats.

Three teenage boys, ranging in age from 15 to 18, were in the San Roque creekbed that borders Stevens Park. According to the Santa Barbara Police Department, Stephenson believed the teens were trespassing on his property. He engaged in a verbal argument with the teenagers, retrieved a handgun, then fired the gun in the direction of the teens. 

Stephenson will be required to appear in court on September 19 for a hearing that could remove all guns from his home. 

There were no injuries reported. 

Police Response Near Stevens Park

By an edhat reader
September 5, 2023

There was a large police response, about 7 sbpd vehicles in the San Roque neighborhood yesterday. 

After 4:00 p.m. near Stevens Park, 200 block of Canon Drive, near a home there. Not necessarily in the park. A neighbor said someone was arrested and might have been carrying a gun but haven’t heard anything else. 

Does anyone else know what happened? 

Edhat Staff

Written by Edhat Staff

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    • YINYANG – thanks for the update! I sure hope he spends some serious time behind bars. Trying to kill children but somehow not being charged with attempted murder? You shoot at someone, that should be attempted murder in all cases.

    • OLDWALTER – thanks for that. That is really scary.
      “According to Santa Barbara County Superior Court Records, Stephenson’s charges also include a number of enhancements, including “habitual criminal” and “persons not to be granted probation or suspended sentence.” – How on earth was he allowed to own any guns if he already had a record like that? Oh yeah……. ‘Murica.

    • BABY – it was a gang fight. The severity of the injuries called for the charges. No one is out there beating on kids at bonfires. Haskell’s is just as safe as any place in SB where there’s been a single, isolated violent crime. I agree on the tracking device though. Most kids have them on their phones.

    • Amen to that! You can’t even have a wholesome bonfire at the beach where allowed. Look at the attempted murder of two teens that took place out at Haskell’s in Goleta a month or so ago. No one in their right mind is going to have a beach fire at Haskell’s due to the potential danger to life and limb. Parents (at least good/caring parents) aren’t knowingly allowing their teens to go there in the evenings/nights these days. Let’s not live in fear, but at least be smart about letting your kids roam free at all hours of the night. I never thought I’d say this, but requiring tracking devices on kids under 18 should be mandatory.

    • “known gang-infested beach” – LOL say you’ve never been to Haskell’s without say you’ve never been to Haskell’s. Also, super neat of you to try to shame me or whatever that is. You saying if there was ever a fight at a high school party, you’d never let your kids go to another party? Sounds like one of those liberal helicopter parents to me….. Do you still drive your kids to school because driving is risky? I bet you do.

    • SBPOSER – You will do anything just to argue, eh?
      “Santa Barbara County Sheriff’s detectives are searching for suspects involved in a fight that left two juveniles injured” – https://www.edhat.com/news/two-juveniles-attacked-at-haskells-bonfire
      You spent the better part of day then arguing it wasn’t a gang “fight,” but rather gang “activity” and you weren’t even there or have kids who know what happened. Why are you so determined to pick arguments over something you’re so clearly wrong about?

    • You may be well on the way to finding out what actually happened at my 2nd home 2-5 days a week for the past umpteen years. A teen, who was not there when the attack occurred, relays a story they heard from another teen at school who may have heard from a reliable teen who was not there either to their parent(s). Uh.. er…uh…okay…if you say so…solid info…Riiiiight….got it (not).

  1. Really weird. Never though RHS, of all people, would be sticking up for the rights of career criminals who shoot guns at teenagers playing in a park over the rights of parents being able to identify and avoid someone so evil and violent. Just shows, you never know the true nature of someone. Sad.

  2. His guns are probably already gone via an emergency gun violence restraining order and it is unlikely he will get them back unless he is tried and found innocent. He may be able to cut a deal for “no guns” ever again and plead to a discharging a firearm near a residence, time served and a long probation because he is 82 and it is costly to house the elderly in county jail

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