E-Bike and Vehicle Collision on Carrillo

By Geo Duarte

Friday (7/28/23) at 4:35 PM, Vehicle vs. E-Bike collision.

Black BMW and E-Bike collided in 100 block of Carrillo St. by Ralphs Market.

The bicyclist was transported by ambulance to a nearby hospital with serious injuries.

Geo Duarte

Written by Geo Duarte

Geo Duarte is a volunteer scanner reporter for edhat.com. More reports can be viewed on Geo's Instagram page @Xtek_Overload

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  1. This is SPECULATION, don’t roast me.
    Seems like the bike is fine so I’d assume bike into car and rider went over the front.
    The e bikes and bicyclist problem in this town is getting out of hand. Drivers can be to blame too but a bicyclist in the bike lane or outside should yield to road traffic always.

  2. Obvious that there are not as many e-bikers looking at their phones as vehicle drivers who are unable to stay in their lanes whilst looking at their phones/talking on their phones. Perhaps e-bike 2nd PASSENGERS are looking at their phone, but that’s a different topic.

  3. This one was, three late-age-teen females, driving a late model BMW.
    Hard lesson learned. Not sure what the main distraction may have been? There are always excuses when cars “just perform random inexplicable questionable manuvers” leading to collisions with various levels of damages and injuries.

  4. I can tell you there is a group of teens that drive there E bikes so fast down the middle of our street. Often. They weave in and out of cars they go onto side walks and fly through stop signs. These kids are young maybe jr high age. It’s only a matter of time. I have tried to wave them down to warn them of their danger,lol good try I was flipped off.

  5. When kids get hurt because we haven’t made safety a priority for young people, it’s on us. It’s our fault, not there’s. They are the victims of our own lack of support for safety for them. Bikers and kids just need safe bikeways to ride on. 26K kids go to UCSB every day on safe bike paths separating biker from cars. It’s not kids fault that we as adults have not created safe biking environments for them throughout the City or County. And while it’s annoying that kids may not respect or listen to their elders, recall that all of us were teen agers and kids, and we all went through the same phase and acted the same. The difference is that there are more drivers, more phones, and more danger for bikers. You never hear bike car collision, car driver transported to hospital. Create safe biking for kids and they won’t be a problem. 26K bikers go to and from UCSB every day on safe biking, eliminating conflict with cars and pedestrians, and danger for bikers. Instead of complaining about them, let’s step up and support more funding and creation of separated bike paths for kids and bikers.

    • I understand your point. But to say that kids who refuse to follow basic road rules and common sense due to entitlement are victims is just magnifying the problem.
      They are not victims! They are obligated to learn self responsible behavior, as we all are. Granted, many don’t. The “I am the victim ” whine has risen to deafening levels.
      Recklessness is obviously not healthy, and it does them NO favors to excuse.

  6. I ride my Trek bike regularly long distances each week. I’ll make a few observations. I wear a helmet while riding. 99.9% of those 26,000 UCSB students don’t wear a helmet while riding. Traversing that campus when classes are in session is like survival of the bravest–watch the bike roundabouts especially for merging traffic. My first traffic violation was when I was a kid riding my bike on the sidewalk in a business district. I had to go to juvenile probation with my father to discuss the ticket. That being said, “tykes on ebikes” are a real problem on State Street. They have no sense of pedestrians, ebike speed, or knowledge of road rules. We’re speculating on fault about the cause of this accident, but a busy downtown is not a safe place for kids to ride an ebike without supervision.

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