Source: UCSB Police Department
The UCSB Police Department will conduct a sobriety and driver’s license checkpoint on Friday, January 18th 2019, at an undisclosed area on UCSB campus/ Goleta area. It will begin at 6:00 p.m. and run for approximately 8 hours. Traffic flow will be contacted by uniformed officers, who will be checking for alcohol/drug-impaired drivers. Officers will also check to make sure all drivers have a valid driver’s license.
The purpose of the checkpoint is to promote public safety; increase awareness of the dangers associated with drinking and driving; and to serve as a deterrent to potential impaired and unlicensed drivers during the UCSB academic school year.
Please direct any inquires to Public Information Officer, Lieutenant Robert Romero, at (805) 893-4063. Media is encouraged to attend the checkpoint in an effort to spread awareness about the impacts of drinking and driving.
Good I hope you get a bunch of dangerous DUI drivers off the streets…