Drone Footage Reveals Possible Great White Shark Newborn off Carpinteria Coast

Images of white shark with a white film covering its body observed 0.4 km off the coast of Carpinteria (Photo Credits: Carlos Gauna / Environmental Biology of Fishes)

A Malibu filmmaker collaborating with researchers at UC Riverside may have captured never-before-seen footage of a newborn Great White Shark off the coast of Carpinteria.

Great White sharks, known as the largest predatory sharks in the world, have long remained a mystery in their early years of life. However, a small, nearly solid white shark swimming off the coast of Carpinteria could potentially be the first of its kind ever caught on camera, providing valuable insights into the prime predator’s reproduction.

The extraordinary sighting was documented by wildlife filmmaker and citizen scientist Carlos Gauna, also known as the Malibu Artist, who recorded the spectacle with his drone in July of last year. The footage of the 5-foot-long pup, displaying a predominantly white coloration, has most recently been published in the Environmental Biology of Fishes Journal by Gauna and UC Riverside biology doctoral student Phillip Sternes.

The footage captured a surprising milky film emanating from the animal, which the scientists believe to be embryonic membrane from birth. Additionally, the dorsal fin of the shark appears to be distinctly different from the pointed fins typically seen on older Great White sharks, perhaps purposeful as a pointed fin would hinder the birthing process.

Locations with high residency of young of the year white sharks = ▲. Location of the white shark with white film =★ [Credit: Environmental Biology of Fishes]
Reproduction habits of white sharks have perplexed scientists for years. While it is known that white sharks can give birth to between two and ten babies at a time, the location and actual process have remained shrouded in mystery. Gauna and Sternes put forth two theories in their peer-reviewed paper: either the photographed shark is a newborn Great White or it has a skin condition. Regardless, this find has posed numerous questions among shark scientists.

As researchers continue to study this footage, the unique insights obtained from this sighting have the potential to reshape our understanding of Great White shark reproduction and shed light on the early stages of these fascinating creatures’ lives.

Edhat Staff

Written by Edhat Staff

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