Drive Thru Starbucks Opens for Business

By edhat staff

The new drive-thru Starbucks on Turnpike and Calle Real is now open.

The national coffee chain opened its first drive-through on Santa Barbara’s south coast at 4791 Calle Real. Construction began on the busy corner late last year. 

The location will have other business space as it’s still under construction.

This is Santa Barbara’s seventh Starbucks location.

Edhat Staff

Written by Edhat Staff

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  1. Nice! Great location and very easy on/off freeway access. The only other drive-thru for “good” coffee is at Zizzo’s on Storke Road. We do all of our banking, pharmacy, quick meals, and now coffee at drive-thrus. If only there was a local drive-thru for bbq (McRib sandwiches do not count as bbq….lol!!!).

  2. Do you see it? Right after you read the article about little Hanna Beth and here Journey to remove oil wells, you were then entranced by Gripping Greta’s cute little boating journey to environmentally save the world. Totally exhausted you took the drive thru to buy a Starbucks Frappa Coolio Whip and now we’ve got a huge pile of plastic made from oil polluting the environment. You’re a doer!

  3. “Incidental exercise” burns calories and is a fairly easy way to prevent putting on so much weight that it causes physical disabilities & diseases that shorten life. You may want to rethink not wanting to get out of your vehicle.

  4. Not to mention the putrid exhaust from the idling car. I am all for drive thru’s in a place with hellish heat. But not beautiful, clean, cool Santa Barbara. Every stop one makes doing errands, walking from your car to the store adds up the steps which equals exercise and good health for your heart. Just my opinion and lifestyle.

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