Update on Downtown Santa Barbara Scheduled State Street Flag Rotation

Photo courtesy of the Jewish Federation of Santa Barbara

Update by the Downtown Organization of Santa Barbara
October 26, 2023

The Downtown Organization of Santa Barbara, known for managing the vibrant State Street flag program, wishes to express its heartfelt condolences to everyone affected by the recent conflicts in the Middle East.

The State Street flag program, a cherished initiative that rotates weekly to highlight and support a diverse array of nonprofits within our community throughout the year. These flags are scheduled up to a year in advance to ensure that we can shine a spotlight on organizations that make a positive impact in our community.

It is essential to clarify that the Jewish Federation Flags, which were displayed on State Street, October 18-24, 2023 were scheduled well before the conflict in Gaza began.  These flags are not a response or statement about war but rather a part of our longstanding commitment to showcasing various nonprofits and community organizations that apply to participate in the program.

The Jewish Federation flags came down late Tuesday night, October 24th as scheduled, not in response to the protest that happened on State Street October 24th. Each nonprofit flag is scheduled for one week and is changed out late Tuesday evening or early Wednesday morning each week by a scheduled contractor. This is done in the middle of the night to not disrupt business activities.

The Downtown Organization of Santa Barbara remains committed to promoting unity and diversity within our community and showcasing our diverse nonprofit and business community. We believe that, especially during challenging times, it is crucial to stand together in solidarity, offering support and understanding to all those who are affected.

The State Street Flag program features flags from various nonprofit organizations throughout the year, including Independent Living Resource Center, which are now on display for the week of October 25-October 31, 2023, to recognize National Disability Employment Month.

Other flags in the program include Special Olympics, CALM, Scholarship Foundation of Santa Barbara, amongst 45+ others.  We encourage the community to learn more about the State Street nonprofit flag program or apply to participate by visiting our website at https://www.downtownsb.org/state-street-flag-program.

We extend our deepest sympathies to those affected by the conflict and stand together with our community and shared humanity as a symbol of hope, strength, peace, and unity.

Downtown Organization of Santa Barbara Stands in Solidarity with All Affected by Recent Conflicts in Middle East

By the Downtown Organization of Santa Barbara
October 23, 2023

The Downtown Organization of Santa Barbara, known for managing the vibrant State Street flag program, wishes to express its heartfelt condolences everyone affected by the recent conflicts in the Middle East.

The State Street flag program, a cherished initiative that rotates several times monthly, to highlight and support a diverse array of nonprofits within our community throughout the year. These flags are scheduled up to a year in advance to ensure that we can shine a spotlight on organizations that make a positive impact in our community.

It is essential to clarify that the Jewish Federation Flags, which are currently displayed on State Street, were scheduled well before the conflict in Gaza began.  These flags are not a response or statement about war but rather a part of our longstanding commitment to showcasing various nonprofits and community organizations.

The Downtown Organization of Santa Barbara remains committed to promoting unity and diversity within our community. We believe that, especially during challenging times, it is crucial to stand together in solidarity, offering support and understanding to all those who are affected.

Our program features flags from various nonprofit organizations throughout the year, including Independent Living Resource Center, Special Olympics, CALM, Scholarship Foundation of Santa Barbara, amongst 45+ others.  We encourage the community to learn more about the State Street nonprofit flag program or apply to participate by visiting our website at downtownsb.org.

We extend our deepest sympathies to those affected by the conflict and stand together with our community and shared humanity as a symbol of hope, strength, peace and unity.

Downtown Santa Barbara serves as the champion and advocate for the stakeholders of historic Downtown Santa Barbara, California, with more than 1400 members. It also manages the Downtown Santa Barbara Business Improvement Districts (BID’s), working to create a vibrant place for visitors, investors, and residents. For more information about our programs, events, and a directory of downtown businesses visit www.DowntownSB.org.


Written by downtownsantabarbara

Press releases from the Downtown Santa Barbara Organization. Learn more at DowntownSB.org

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    • If there’s a local Palestinian nonprofit that applies for a flag placement I don’t see why it’d be a problem. Flags are only a problem in the Santa Ynez Valley when they’re rainbow colored.

    • Sac, you are conflating Jewish people with Israel. They are not the same. The Palestinian flag is a nationalist aspiration, the Jewish Federation is a non-profit, so attempting to “balance” these things out would actually be creating a false characterization about the Federation.

        • Okay, Dr. Rolfe, I will leave a more polite comment.

          Yes, absolutely, Palestinians are long overdue for their own autonomy and national integrity, which is pretty much impossible as long as their government consists of religious fanatics whose endgame is a global Islamic state.

          You’re saying that hearing about OTHER people’s suffering, which occurred BEFORE there was a state of Israel and which had NOTHING TO DO with this current conflict makes you physically ill. Oh, wow, POOR YOU. You get nauseous when someone has the nerve to mention the deaths of millions. Cry me a river Dr. Rolfe. I truly feel for you.

        • James – that’s pretty bad. Most people here are for a Palestinian state (I hope) and think the plight and suffering of the hundreds of thousands of innocent people in Gaza SHOULD be emphasized. BUT…. to dismiss the suffering of millions during the Holocaust is just wrong.

          Neither side’s suffering can be ignored in this ongoing conflict.

          Israel has a right to exist peacefully and without the constant threat of terrorism. The Palestinian people have a right to autonomy and a life free of oppression and collective punishment.

          Hating one side or the other makes those goals impossible.

          • His post about “rich Israelis” and the US government is just him repeating canards about Jews. Are “rich Israelis” any different from rich Qataris, or rich Indians, or rich French people.

            Only in his world.

      • SBTONER – huh? That comment really makes no sense. My only comment here was a self admitted cynical one. My “politics?” Look at you, just like your pal, making it always about politics. My support of the Palestinian AND Israeli civilians to live life free from violence and oppression should not be “political” it’s just humane.

        • Says the one rhetorically asking if it would take a year to put up Palestinian flags and whether or not that would be deemed “Pro-Hamas.”

          You made it political when you conjectured that any attempt to put up Palestinian flags would be deemed “Pro-Hamas.”

          We get it, you want friends and to be a Justice warrior so you’ll vocalize against the labeling of those who support Palestinian autonomy as “Pro-Hamas,” but I and not many others on Edhat are saying that voicing the call for Palestinian autonomy is considered “Pro-Hamas.”

          You are creating divide and conflict in your own mind by acting like people here have labeled you or others “Pro-Hamas” for your views.

          Do you thrive on it that much?

        • That was not worded right.

          Myself and others included have NOT said that the call for a free Palestinian state is the same as being “Pro-Hamas.”

          Had to say that after re-reading because I know you’ll take that one and run with it.

  1. The Jewish Federation is a long existing local nonprofit organization that serves our local community- Jews and non Jews alike. It provides programs for seniors, meals, social interaction and is generous in its outreach to the entire Santa Barbara community. Its flags do not represent Israel but only their organization. It has every right to have its flags on State Street. Opposing it or their right to post flags seems like anti-semitism to me.

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