Door to Door Panhandling

Report of a subject going door to door and asking for money in the 1000 block of Miramonte.


Written by Roger

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  1. Yikes !!! I worked for my money, saved, sacrificed , so I am very very very reluctant to give it away to anyone begging for it. I will tell them to check into Labor Ready / People Ready, the company that can find them jobs…..

  2. Panhandling and asking for money by stores and intersections is bad enough, but door to door panhandling is violating! Many of the people asking for handouts are mentally ill or on drugs, fact, and there is danger in this behavior. Nip it!
    I pay taxes that contributes towards welfare, food stamps and other programs to help people and that funds programs to help people who want to help themselves to get on their feet. My home is my safe place and I don’t want anyone uninvited knocking on my door, period.

  3. This individual came to my door Saturday afternoon. He was asking for donations for some sort of AA program in exchange for candy. I kindly informed him that soliciting isn’t allowed in SB Highlands. Also, I told him it’s very likely someone will call the cops as people won’t tolerate it. He said thank you and continued going door to door. He seemed like a nice guy based of our conversation. However, take precaution. Interesting to hear that he actually came back for another round.

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