By edhat staff
Santa Barbara County Firefighters rescued a dog that was trapped nearly 100 feet over the side of a More Mesa cliff on Sunday morning.
At 9:46 a.m., crews responded to the scene closest to Mockingbird Lane and Calle Las Brisas. They found a dog was trapped along the cliff approximately 75 to 100 feet over the side.
Crews used a high angle rope system and lowered a firefighter to the dog’s location. They were able to secure the dog within the rope system and lowered it back down to the beach.
The dog was uninjured and was reunited with its owner.
Drone footage of dog rescue at More Mesa Bluffs this morning.
— Daniel Bertucelli (@SBCFireInfo) August 2, 2020
Come on dog owners, we don’t need to be spending money on this several times a week. Get your act together!
And please don’t keep saying this is “great training” for our sheriffs, search and rescue, etc. Thats kind of ridiculous at this point.