DA Presses Charges Against Santa Barbara Woman in Viral Video

Screenshot of Jeanne Umana in the viral video (courtesy)

A Santa Barbara woman has been charged with two offenses stemming from a viral video.

Santa Barbara County District Attorney John T. Savrnoch announced Wednesday that 74-year-old Jeanne Terese Umana has been charged with Battery, in violation of Penal Code section 242, and Trespass, in violation of Penal Code section 602.5(a). Both charges are misdemeanor offenses.

Umana was seen in a viral video confronting a Latino construction worker, Luis Cervantes, at a downtown apartment complex last month.

In the videos posted online, Umana stated she’s a neighbor of the apartment where work is being done and has every right to know what’s happening at the nearby property. The conversation escalates as the woman states she’s an American and calls Cervantes a “Tijuanan.” Umana then appears to have hit the man and/or the camera out of the man’s hand.

The video also shows Umana stating she works for the police department after she was caught on camera walking into the private home under construction.

In response to the viral video, numerous individuals of all ages joined a protest in Umana’s downtown neighborhood. The demonstration, led by activist Edin Alex Enamorado, gained momentum as chants demanded Umana’s accountability. The protesters marched towards the downtown police station, where tensions remained high.

The following day, Santa Barbara Police Department spokesperson Sgt. Ethan Ragsdale confirmed they were investigating the incident. Ragsdale emphasized that the police did not condone Umana’s behavior, she did not work for the department, and acknowledged the emotions stirred within the community. The department expressed support for peaceful assembly and the right of individuals to voice their concerns.

Later that week Ragsdale issued an update on the case stating detectives had been investigating the incident over the last several days.

“As a result of the investigation, Detectives referred the case to the Santa Barbara District Attorney’s Office for their consideration of the following criminal charges against Jeanne Terese Umana; Trespassing, Battery on a Person, and Hate Crime,” said Ragsdale.

In an interview with the Los Angeles Times on Monday, Umana apologized for her inappropriate remarks and claimed she had lost control of her emotions. She said the incident began when she noticed a construction truck speeding down her residential street and parked illegally in the middle of the road. She said she approached the property where Cervantes worked to report the incident to a manager — not realizing it was an active construction site.

“And then when someone put the camera in my face, I think that’s when I lost my judgment. My judgment went very, very badly,” Umana said. “I am truly sorry that this got out of hand, and I regret making statements like that, because I said them in the heat of the moment. They were not measured, and whatever I might feel, I don’t have the right to take it out on anybody else. But unfortunately, I lost control.”

Protestors voiced that Santa Barbara, with a population that is nearly 71% white and 36% Latino, has a history of downplaying instances of racism. They hope that the attention garnered by this incident will bring about meaningful change and ensure that actions like Umana’s are not tolerated.

According to various news outlets, Umana is a retired law professor from UC Santa Barbara and her current LinkedIn profile lists her occupation as “freelance writer.”

The case is scheduled for arraignment on November 30, 2023 in Department 8 of the Santa Barbara Superior Court.

The District Attorney’s Office states if anyone has additional information they can contact Santa Barbara County District Attorney Investigator Chad Hunt at (805) 568-2357.

Videos of this specific interaction posted by Enamorado (@enamoradoalex) below.


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A post shared by Edin Alex Enamorado (@enamoradoalex_)


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A post shared by Edin Alex Enamorado (@enamoradoalex_)

Additionally, Enamorado posted a separate video showing Umana harassing a street vendor where she again claims to work for the police department.


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A post shared by Edin Alex Enamorado (@enamoradoalex_)

Edhat Staff

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    • I don’t think therapy can fix racism. Maybe? This lady is simply a hateful racist, nothing more. She’s entitled and racist. Public shaming of people like this is a good thing. It deters others who think they can spew hate at innocent bystanders because of the color of their skin and get away with it. We should not tolerate or accept this behavior. Their time is over.

      • Yeah, this horrid woman obviously has a problem with Latino people/native Spanish speakers. This probably won’t change her heart, but I bet it will help her find a hobby other than harassing people, on the street.

        • > Nope, it certainly isn’t the opposition to racism. It’s your air of moral superiority, blindness to your own racism and biases, and erroneous belief that your moral superiority is justification for your own unsavory behavior – two wrongs don’t make a right.

          This is all projection. Over and over you have said “Rules for thee” but it is ALWAYS you who have the double standard and display hypocrisy.

          • GT – wait a second now, how could it not be logical? The “Voice of Reason” himself proclaimed it! The Infallible One! The Great King of Logic! LOL oh man that hurts haha!

          • > ” I proudly accept being a bigot ” from one of Sac’s many deleted comments.

            Where, as we ALL know, he meant being biased against racists. You aren’t fooling anyone (well, maybe some very stupid people) with your dishonest rhetorical techniques.

          • > Jim, racists can be deemed “unworthy” without stooping to the very behaviors that make us deem them “unworthy”.

            Of course. And that’s what we have here. It’s simply a lie (one of so many of yours) that Sacjon’s criticism of (or “bigotry” toward) racists is those “very behaviors”. You have been called out on these dishonest sophisms and word games of yours over and over and over again. The only people who nod their heads when they read your guff are those who are similarly unscrupulous.

          • VOICE – still waiting…. how am I racist? I mean, you do have some basis for your claim regarding my “racism,” right? It’ not just another one of your empty and insulting comments, right? Right?

          • VOICE – as it sits, your considering my speaking out against racists to be “bad behavior” only cements the conclusion about you that your own comments lead to.

            Not something to be proud of……

          • “Jim, racists can be deemed “unworthy” without stooping to the very behaviors that make us deem them “unworthy”” Uhhh – Voice is equating the act of racism and bigotry – with criticism of racism and bigotry. False equivalence and why MAGA is failing in government and in the courts.

          • Jim – exactly.

            VOICE – Still waiting for those examples of by “bad” or “unworthy” behavior. Getting the feeling that, just like my “racism,” you have a big pile of nothingburgers, just lies.

            Come on, champ, what you got?

          • Sacjon, using other people’s bad behavior to justify your own bad behavior only perpetuates bad behaviors. If we’re going to improve our society and minimize/eliminate racism and bigotry, we need to be better, do better, and lead by example. There is no justification for engaging in behaviors we want others to stop.

          • VOICE – BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH that’s all you got? Good Lord, man, that’s pathetic.

            1) I AM a bigot towards racists and homophobes. Absolutely. You know that. I’m proud of that. I don’t like people who hate other humans because of a characteristic they are born with. That’s all.

            2) A “bigot” is not the same as a racist. You said I’m a racist. Much different word.

            3) If you don’t “deem unworthy” racists and homophobes, then you ARE the moral low ground.

            Just wow. Calling me a racist and this is what you have? Shameful liar. Be better.

        • Classy, VOICE. So, opposing racism is worthy of belittlement and ridicule? Gosh, what does that say about your opinion of racists? Oh yeah, you’ve made that painfully clear over the years……

          • VOICE – who is “stooping to their level?” You keep saying that but your outright refuse to clarify what anyone here has done that is at the same “level” as racists. You called me a racist and then “backed” that with my admission (a proud one at that) that I am “bigoted” against racists and homophobes. That’s not the same, as multiple people (and simple logic) pointed out.

            So, one last time, where have I said anything racist or “stooped to their level?”

            Empty comments are a dime a dozen…….you must be going bankrupt.

          • Voice, only in your distorted world view would you continually defend racists and bigots – and then call out Sacjon for opposing racism and bigotry. You’re struggling to find some sort of relevance to stoke your morally anaerobic ego.

          • GT, only in your distorted world view is me saying we should exhibit behaviors better than racists, even towards racists, considered “morally low hate speech” and believe I have a history of racism in my family.

          • VOICE – my “air?” LOL! Well, I do think people who condemn racism are far morally superior to those who make excuses for it/tolerate it/accept it/support it/belittle those who condemn it. So, yeah….

            Now this will be fun. My “racism?” How am I racist? Specific examples. Let’s see what you got. Please try to be at least somewhat honest though.

            Biased? Yup, once again, I’m proudly biased and bigoted against those who discriminate against others for the way they’re born. Why do you and your stoner pal think that’s a bad thing? We all know the answer to that one.

          • Nope, it certainly isn’t the opposition to racism. It’s your air of moral superiority, blindness to your own racism and biases, and erroneous belief that your moral superiority is justification for your own unsavory behavior – two wrongs don’t make a right.

      • Funny, Umana is a Spanish / Latin rooted last name. It may be related to the word Human also! Wow, Hmmm, How did she become so alienative!?! Hel beleifs make her cray cray! Oooff!

  1. It’s just like watching that tv show with game wardens ( northwoods law)?who spend days( which cost thousands and thousands of dollars in public funding,) investigating an offender,. When they finally find suspect with enough evidence they might if they feel like it charge them with a misdemeanor. (Why bother) how long did it take our DA to come up with a simple task charging this crazy lady ? Where is impersonating a police officer offense

    • ANON – I doubt they spent “days” investigating this. The DA’s office has hundreds, if not more, cases they work on each day. This was an easy charge. Battery was clear and trespass was clear. Hate crime is easy enough to tag on. This likely took hours, if that. Please, let’s stop referring to her as “crazy.” She’s an entitled racist, plain and simple. No excusing away her behavior. Just because someone has no problem spewing hate at people with different ethnic backgrounds doesn’t mean they’re mentally ill.

  2. anyone else find the phone call he made to her a bit harassing and threatening? especially at the end where he says “You gonna figure out who the fuc I am?” and he was impersonating someone else like he was a reporter… If someone said that to me I would report it as a threat.. Just saying I think a lot of people were in the wrong on this situation…

    • QUASI – whatabout it? It doesn’t excuse her racist behavior that occurred before that. Sorry, but maybe racists should be a little intimidated. Their kind are not wanted.

      • What is it about calling someone venisualian is racist!? And that never condones someone intimidating them.. Your logic here is flawed.. So if I found your tone and words racist I should be able to intimidate you then!! The meaning of “racism” is now so subjective it’s gone totally out of control. Sounds like you are the type of person that groups all white people together and blames them for everyone else’s problems… That behavior is more racist than anything she said in any of the videos.

    • Ms. Umana’s comments were nasty and over the top. They show anger and frustration. They were however perfectly legal under the US Constitution. Her saying that she was a police officer was also legal-as long as she did not act as a police officer. Again, this was over the top.

      Whether she is a racist or not can only be decided by looking at her past record of comments and actions. I am not defending her, but most people utter nastywords in the heat of the moment and afterwords wish that they could erase them.

      On the other side, some of the comments made to her and about her are not making the people uttering them sound reasonable. Some have a racist and violent undercurrent.

      If you want to see hatred that is stamping out reason, just look to the Holy Land. The wheels have come off and thousands of innocents on both sides have been killed with racism as the driving force.

      Peace to you all!

      • Yet you won’t call her comments racist. Weird. Sure, they are protected by the constitution, but that doesn’t mean she shouldn’t suffer the consequences. She committed crimes in addition to spewing vile hate. Complain about the other guy all you want, but only one person went on multiple public hate-filled rants against people because of the color of their skin or their language or both.

        • You are making way too many assumptions here.. And likely because she is white.. and yet you won’t condone anyone else’s behavior in this situation which is clearly wrong and illegal.

          If you want to confront a true racist, maybe you should go look in the mirror sacjon

            • SBTONER – yeah, just more nothing. I’ve asked MULTIPLE times for you, VOICE and now QUASI to provide some actual evidence (that means words I’ve said) to back the claim that I’m racist.

              So far, NONE of you have even tried. Keep on dodging and deflecting though.

              • Sac – I’m not going to back claims I never made.

                Just because you’ve “asked MULTIPLE times” doesn’t mean I’m obligated to stoop to your argumentative level.

                You call us trolls yet it’s simply a fact of you getting absolutely triggered we have the audacity to disagree with you.

                I never defended a racist.

                There is insubstantial evidence from the original video which we have no backstory from, and as of yet I haven’t seen her LinkedIn or the other videos.

                If he said he is from Tijuana, then what she said isn’t racist. Simple as that.

                Go ahead, run with it as much as you want, call me a racist, say in defending rackets etc. you are as usual appropriating the facts to fit your narrow view of anything that could be remotely political.

                As quasi pointed out, you are all so quick to assume she is GOP, what if o told you she could be a liberal?

                It’s another unknown, just as is his place of origin.

                But I don’t see you speculating on that.

                I do have a problem with the homeless bums harassing, invading and invalidating the beautiful vibes our city once had to offer. Starting fires, collecting trash by the freeway, stealing strollers and bikes. If you support those people in their endeavors then you are part of the problem.

                I do have problems with thieves who basically run amok in our state if they don’t get caught then and there red handed. The “petty crime” policies in California are a JOKE. If you think that because I don’t find what she said racist that I must be fine with racists you have some searching to do in this world. I suggest you get outside today, talk to some people in a real encounter, not behind a computer. Maybe get off the liberal news train and go get some human interaction that doesn’t rely on poaching for “injustice” online.

                I have better things to do with my Thursday, not all of us are unemployed bigots who scroll Edhat looking for beef. Keep saying I “back off when proven wrong” or whatever, you can beat your own drum all day for all I care.

                I will never just shut up as you wish we all would when we have opinions that differ from your own.

                Good day to you sir.

                • “I never defended a racist.” – Just made every effort to find excuses for her and keep trying to shut down those who condemn her. Sure, anything you say guy.

                  “unemployed bigots” – Yet here you are spending the better part of your day making excuses for one.

                  Have a great day, hypocrite.

    • Quasi – I find his behavior as repulsive as the purported racism and battery.

      He is like one of those influencers screaming “look at me, I’m relevant.”

      He thinks he is a lot more important than he is and will probably put this on his resume along with his liberal arts degree.

  3. Yes Hate crimes are Criminal, as are reckless driving, and selling food without a license and violating food safety.. If the driver was speeding ? Not say he was, but if he was Most residential cameras pick this stuff up. Note many residents of Santa Barbara have died due to reckless driving. Food borne illnesses in the USA annually are 38.4 million.

    Don’t be a vigilante, if you are concerned contact the Police as they are trained to ensure Peace and Safety.. From the videos and the information provided it appears both sides are to blame.

    • SUN – “both sides are to blame.” – No. Only one side is to blame for her vile racism and physical attack. Her. Nothing they did would excuse the hate rants she unleashed on either of these men. Also, check the Linkedin link above to see her trolling someone for speaking another language.

      Her crimes were not in self defense (or whatever you seem to think) against alleged speeding (you really going to believe this woman?) nor is her latest racist tirade a defense to selling food without a permit (a couple blocks from the police station and clearly an accepted activity).

      Only one side is to blame.

      Weird, from your other comments, you seem like that last person here to suggest excuses for her.

      • As mentioned Hate Crimes are Criminal period! I have in no way excused her behavior I have stated she is to blame, however if reckless driving and selling food without a license are also the case then they are both at fault. I am only going on what was provided, it’s up to the Judge to decide..

        I mentioned reckless driving because people have died in Santa Barbara. . If one has a license to sell food it is present for the public to view.

        I politely requested, if people are concerned, instead of attacking people leave it to a Peace Officer to attend to.

        Best to leave it to the Judge

        • Both at fault for what? Saying both are at fault is saying the alleged speeding (no evidence of that, just a racist’s rambling hate) or selling corn without a permit caused or in someway gave rise to her disgusting racist rants. That’s how “fault” works. Racism isn’t caused, it’s inherent. Her filthy mouth is attached to a hateful brain. She didn’t need someone to do something to create her racism.

        • > they are both at fault

          I would say that they are each at fault, for different things. For some reason some people are trying very hard not to understand what you are saying, and then stooping to absurd ad hominems about your parents.

          • DAL – what is the first guy “at fault” for? What did he do to cause her racist rant? Film her? Ask her to leave? Oh, are we going to believe this racist liar? Just assume he was “speeding?” Nah, I’m not giving her an ounce of credence. Why should we? She lied throughout all her public racist tirades. Nope. Only one person at fault for anything we know of here.

    • Huh? What does that sentence even mean? Gosh dang, you really are grasping at straws, aren’t you? I mentioned the police station only to point out that he was there without being harassed, ergo…. it was publicly accepted. Simple concept, though far too advanced for you it seems.

  4. My God… I’m gone for a month and still the same drivel. Yes, she is a giant douch and did break the law. There were probably 1,000 more Hanis crimes perpetrated today that get no press. People from TJ must be giving you all the finger for making where they live racist! lol What a joke. One of my kids was sexually assaulted on State St. Caught on video by others, police informed, city informed, who cares… BTW I didn’t watch the vendor video, but they shouldn’t be allowed to be unlicensed just because of who they are.

    • Seriously? Sexually assaulted? And there’s proof? WTF, that is horrible, I am very sorry to hear that. Can you make that public to try and create some accountability for the criminal or at least warn other people look out for them?

      • OG – I’m so sorry. There are agencies you can call that are higher up if the police are not doing what they are paid to do. I’d recommend checking in with the DOJ and or FBI if there is not a confirmation of action on their part.

        Alex – That’s a pretty weird request tbh.

        The proof can be given to the cops but there is no reason to make proof of that type of incident public.

        I sure as hell would not share a video of my child going through that.

        It’s pretty odd you asked for that under the guise of “creating some accountability.”

        When in history have other such things been up locally shared to “create accountability?” Usually that happens in a sentencing, not with people making video proof publicly available.

        Either you are nosy or are interested in it for some other reason but in either case that’s weird.

        • Stoner–WTF? It’s a weird request to make video of a person assaulting someone to identify that person for the public so that people can be on guard against them? To put that criminals’ face on record so they can be doxxed is a good thing. Any moron would assume that the video would not include or would blur the video in a way to protect the identity of a minor.

          • As much as I would support posting the video, my kid is not comfortable with it being out there for everyone’s entertainment. It’s just another homeless person that, apparently, they already know about. Thankfully there were some random people who helped end it.

          • Alex – that type of doxxing doesn’t help anything.

            Once again, a sentencing with the name of the perp is the just way to do things.

            Not posting videos of minors being assaulted, no matter how censored they are.

            You would see a video and wouldn’t be able to tell which homeless person it was if you saw them.

            Is there another reason you so want the video posted?

    • “”Hanis”? It took me a while but I finally figured out that you mean “heinous”.

      This is a fallacy of relative privation: https://rationalwiki.org/wiki/Not_as_bad_as

      > People from TJ must be giving you all the finger for making where they live racist! lol

      This is sort of funny but only because your reasoning is such *absurdly* intellectually dishonest projection.

      > One of my kids was sexually assaulted on State St. Caught on video by others, police informed, city informed, who cares

      So you don’t care that your child was sexually assaulted? If that’s not what you meant, you should work on your communication skills.

      > they shouldn’t be allowed to be unlicensed just because of who they are.

      Ah, yes …

      “The law, in its majestic equality, forbids rich and poor alike to sleep under bridges, to beg in the streets, and to steal their bread.” ― Anatole France

      What about conspiring to overthrow an election? I’ve heard that’s ok if one is a former President.

      • dal-
        >This is sort of funny but only because your reasoning is such *absurdly* intellectually dishonest projection.

        Care to expand this comment with…something…?

        >So you don’t care that your child was sexually assaulted? If that’s not what you meant, you should work on your communication skills.


        >“The law, in its majestic equality, forbids rich and poor alike to sleep under bridges, to beg in the streets, and to steal their bread.” ― Anatole France

        So it’s okay for some to break the laws and not for others depending on their skin color or wealth?

        >What about conspiring to overthrow an election? I’ve heard that’s ok if one is a former President.

        Troll. Go away if you can’t add content.

  5. It’s sad when every single time an article about racial issues is posted, the same couple of commenters come in and try to troll those who speak out against racism. Every single time. I get you don’t like me, but your comments portray you as people who don’t mind racists. Every. Single. Time.

  6. It’s amazing how many GOP Karen’s there are out there, some are bigots with a personality disorder – and some that are just plain bigots with no personality disorder.

    • Wow you just assume she is GOP… Hmmm that sounds pretty racist. Its SB, most people are Dems or Liberals so chances are, your are incorrect.

      “Karens” is also hateful, derogatory and a racist term, so you should check yourself! Its not okay to call people Karens because of their gender and color of their skin.. Its just as bad or even worse than the words she said..

      You calling someone a karen is like calling a mexican or black person a racist word… SMH

      • Quasi – you should sit back down at the kids table. She is well known through UCSB even so I don’t need to assume anything about her political party – although you may not be aware of who she actually is. Only a child would think a political party is comparable to a race.

    • I wonder how many people have been harmed and herassed by false allegations of racisim that dont get reported or documented or prosecuted as well.. this situation is a great example of how f’d up these social justice warriors are and shows they are the actual racist and problem with our society..

      • QUASI – “false allegations of racisim” – are you serious or are you just wildly ignorant? Did you watch the videos? Are you seriously saying she’s NOT racist?

        You and VOICE seem to think that those who speak out against racists are “bigots” or some kind of reverse “racists.” You both think condemning racists is wrong. Why? Why do you two express so much hate for those who vocally oppose confirmed racists?

        VOICE – this is for you too.

  7. SBTONER – whether or not he’s from Tijuana doesn’t excuse her racism. And he certainly doesn’t need a bigot like you to provide a “label” to her hateful rants. Look at the video of the street vendor, read her comment on LinkedIn. She has a proven track record of discriminating against people for their language and skin color. Why you continue to defend her is sickening and unfathomable. Disgusting.

    • “If he said he is from Tijuana, then what she said isn’t racist.” – So that’s your threshold. If someone knows for a fact that the person they’re yelling at is not from the US, then it can’t be racist? Did she know where the corn seller was from? How about her trolling comment on another user’s LinkedIN post? See for yourself: https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:7063162362110873601/

      You think she gets verification of their place of birth before she unleashes on them? Wow, man. That’s a lot of faith you put in racists. Just saying.

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