Cox Communications Discount Program for Some Residents

Source: City of Goleta

We would like to remind current participants, and those eligible, that in order to participate in the Cox Communications Discount Program offered in conjunction with the City of Goleta, new applications and renewals must be received by June 28, 2018. The program offers 40% off basic cable service for applicants who reside within the boundaries of Goleta and meet certain criteria. Find out if you are eligible by reviewing the criteria below.

This is the last year Cox Communications is accepting new participants. However, they have agreed to continue providing discounted services to any eligible applicant in perpetuity or until further account changes are made. Existing participants must complete one final application to be included.

Here are some important details about the program:

Where do I get an application?
Applications can be found on the City of Goleta’s website at or call 805-961-7500 to make arrangements to pick up a hard copy. Completed applications must be returned to the City of Goleta (130 Cremona Drive, Suite B) by June 28, 2018.

What criteria are required for cable discount eligibility?
1) 65 years of age or older, and a maximum adjusted gross income, per most recent California Income Tax Return, as follows: $17,489 for individuals or $26,217 for households
– OR –
2) Disabled and received SSI/SSD

What documents are required when submitting my application?

  • All applicants must submit proof of age (Driver’s License, passport, etc.)
  • Eligibility for cable discount must be re-certified in the event of a change of address.
  • The City of Goleta reserves the right to require documentation of any information provided.
  • Your signature on the Cable Discount Program Application authorizes the State of California to release your income tax records to the City for income verification.
  • Your signature on the Cable Discount Program Application authorizes the Social Security Administration to release proof of your SSI/SSD qualification due to permanent disability.


I don’t live in the City of Goleta. Does Cox Communications offer discount programs in surrounding areas?
Yes, the City of Santa Barbara and the County of Santa Barbara also provide a discounted Cox Cable program. For City of Santa Barbara Cox discount information, call (805) 564-5342. For County of Santa Barbara Cox discount information, call (805) 681-4200.

Edhat Staff

Written by Edhat Staff

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