County Moves Forward with Isla Vista Bluff Safety Plan

Santa Barbara County Sheriff's Office joined local officials and other public agencies for a press conference on the safety of Isla Vista Bluffs on Thursday afternoon (courtesy)
Santa Barbara County Sheriff's Office joined local officials and other public agencies for a press conference on the safety of Isla Vista Bluffs on September 28, 2023. (courtesy)

Raising fence heights, and working on options for improving lighting and warning signs

The Board of Supervisors approved a comprehensive set of safety enhancements for the Isla Vista Bluffs on November 7, 2023, during the Board of Supervisors meeting.

The approval includes establishing a new standard of raising fencing to a minimum of six feet for both public parks and private property.  Other potential safety enhancements the County will be reporting back on include lighting, warning signs, public restrooms, education, horticulture barriers, a memorial and updates to the County’s social host and festival ordinance.

Chair of the Board of Supervisors Das Williams commented, “The unanimous approval of these safety enhancements reflects the collective commitment of our board to the well-being of the Isla Vista community and those who visit. We are dedicated to implementing these measures swiftly to create a safer environment for everyone.”

Second District Supervisor Laura Capps who represents the area, spearheaded the Isla Vista Bluff Safety Plan following the recent tragedy that claimed the life of 19-year-old Benjamin ‘Benny’ Schurmer, “We need to do all we can to prevent future fatalities. I have learned so much from a few of the mothers who have lost their children, and I am grateful for their advocacy and courage. This plan is informed by these moms, students, the Isla Vista Community Services District, friends of Benny who drafted this petition as well as other caring members of the community who have reached out to share their constructive ideas.”

The approved actions aim to address the safety concerns associated with the Isla Vista Bluffs and are a result of collaborative efforts involving the County of Santa Barbara, the Isla Vista Community Services District, property owners, community-based groups, students, and the families of those affected by past incidents.

Key actions approved by the Board of Supervisors include:

  1. Raising Fence Heights and Permitting Fee Waivers: The mandatory height for railings and fencing along the Isla Vista Bluffs will be raised to a uniform minimum of six feet, both in public parks and on private property. This measure is intended to create a more substantial physical deterrent against cliff falls and improve overall safety. The Director of Planning and Development will have the authority to waive permitting fees for good cause when property owners seek to install or modify fencing and railings along the Isla Vista Bluffs. This amendment aims to streamline the process for enhancing safety measures.
  2. Enhanced Lighting: A comprehensive review of lighting options, including the possibility of motion sensor lighting, will be conducted to address the safety concerns during nighttime hours.
  3. Improved Warning Signs: Despite the presence of signs warning of the dangers of the Isla Vista Bluffs, thefts and visibility issues persist especially at night.  A pilot project to illuminate some of the existing warning signs is already underway, and additional steps will be taken to come up with effective durable and well-lit signage.
  4. Public Restrooms: Porta potties are currently placed in strategic locations near the Isla Vista Bluffs.  The County will explore more permanent bathroom options in consultation and collaboration with relevant stakeholders.
  5. Horticulture Barriers: The County will explore the use of effective shrubbery to deter trespassing in unsafe areas.
  6. Increased Education: Efforts to educate the community about bluff safety with collaboration between Isla Vista Community Services District, Santa Barbara City College, UC Santa Barbara and IV Safe to enhance existing initiatives and address any gaps in educational outreach.
  7. Memorial: Collaboration between UCSB Associated Students, Santa Barbara City College, and the Isla Vista Community Services District will lead to the establishment of a memorial in Isla Vista to commemorate those lost in cliff falls.
  8. Updates to Social Host and Festival Ordinances: Law enforcement capabilities will be expanded to address unsafe activities on the cliffs. Note, this does not include an increased presence of law enforcement and will be discussed in greater detail at an upcoming meeting.

It is essential to acknowledge that alcohol and drug use have played significant roles in some of the cliff falls that have occurred in Isla Vista over the years. Efforts to address these issues have included ongoing education and awareness campaigns aimed at promoting responsible behavior and personal safety, particularly during events like Deltopia and other gatherings. The presence of alcohol and drug use underscores the importance of implementing robust safety measures that can effectively deter individuals from accessing precarious areas along the bluffs, even when under the influence. Education alone, while valuable, may not always be sufficient to prevent accidents, especially when impaired judgment is a factor.

The safety enhancements represent a unified commitment to the well-being of the Isla Vista community. By increasing fence heights, streamlining permitting, and exploring various safety measures, the Santa Barbara County Board of Supervisors is taking significant steps to prevent further tragedies and improve the overall safety of the Isla Vista Bluffs.

These measures emphasize the importance of a collective effort between local government and private property owners to create a safer living environment for all community members and visitors.

Additional details on the item that went before the Board of November 7, 2023 can be found here, County of Santa Barbara – File #: 23-01041 (

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