County Fire Department Issues Safety Tips for Thanksgiving Cooking

County of Santa Barbara Fire Department (Edhat)

As the community of Santa Barbara County prepares to celebrate Thanksgiving, the Santa Barbara County Fire Department issues some safety reminders.

While the majority of people will be cooking in the kitchen, the fire department says it’s vital to remember that kitchen safety is paramount during this busy period.

“We advise citizens to avoid leaving cooking food unattended and to be particularly cautious when using turkey fryers, which pose a significant fire risk if not used correctly,” the department says.

Chefs should also maintain a clean cooking area, free from flammable materials, and ensure that smoke detectors are functional are essential steps towards a safe holiday.

In addition to cooking safety, it’s also a time to be mindful of traffic safety as many people hit the road to visit family and friends in short and far distances.

“The Santa Barbara County Fire Department urges drivers to exercise caution and patience while on the roads. Adhering to speed limits, avoiding distractions, and never driving under the influence are critical for ensuring the safety of all travelers. Remember, it is better to arrive late and safe than not at all,” the department said.

A celebration free from emergency incidents is the ideal scenario for both emergency responders and the community.

Edhat Staff

Written by Edhat Staff

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    • I’d like to add: If you’re feeling “Brave” or you think you’re a “Professional” at the whole “deep frying” thing – Please get videos from multiple angles – you might have enough from the sale of said videos to pay for a small portion of your hospital stay 🙁
      …as the saying goes “Folks don’t try this at home”.

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