County Education Office Reminds Educators of COVID-19 Vaccinations

Source: Santa Barbara County Education Office

During the week of March 1, 2021,  public school districts, charter, and private school education staff in Santa Barbara County have access to approximately 1,100 vaccination appointments set aside by the Santa Barbara County Public Health Department in conjunction with Lompoc Valley Medical Center. 

The process for TK-12 education staff to access appointments for vaccines this week is as follows.  Individual appointments must be made upon invitation from a school district, charter or private school and are being coordinated with all public districts, charters schools and private schools in Santa Barbara County by the Santa Barbara County Education Office:

  • Specific invitations for vaccine appointments are being distributed through the local school districts, charter and private schools this week.  Due to the vaccine shortage, the first grouping of vaccines has been allocated for those individuals serving our most vulnerable students who require support that does not allow for physical distancing, are medically fragile, and are often unable to wear masks.
  • After those appointments are filled, a second round of vaccine appointments will be provided for eligible staff with significant contact with others in-person, and/or close proximity to others, and mixing across multiple stable groups and/or locations.  Each district, charter or private school will determine, for their context, which staff are included in this group.  This process will continue for this week until the approximately 1,100 vaccine appointments have been scheduled.
  • Invitations to schedule an appointment will be distributed by districts, charter and private schools.  Once an invitation is received, instructions on how to schedule and register will be provided.
  • There may be information circulating that an alternate path for making appointments is through 2-1-1.  This is inaccurate.  In conjunction with the Santa Barbara County Public Health Department, appointments for TK-12 education staff must be made through an invitation process by the district, charter or private school.  Please do not call 211 to schedule an appointment. 
  • For the week of March 1, appointments may only be made with an invitation from a school district, charter or private school. 


Vaccination plans for TK-12 education staff have not yet been announced for appointments after March 4, 5, and 6.   Vaccination appointments for childcare staff and higher education employees are being handled through a separate process and more details will be released by the Santa Barbara County Public Health Department at a later date.



Written by Anonymous

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  1. SBRES – I work with a 70 year old cancer survivor who just got scheduled for a shot next week. He’s been trying for awhile…AND he’s been at work every day with me since March…of 2020! I hope you get your shot…but check the tone and the entitlement…the rest of us (non IT) folk never stopped showing up…and will hopefully/maybe get the shot sometime this Summer…

  2. “I also heard a rumor that Peabody School (a charter school in Santa Barbara) is vaccinating all of their teachers this week.”
    Kind of frightened we have an “educator” out there spreading rumors…..

  3. UNITASKER: wait, teachers who are NOT going back in the classroom are getting priority the same as those who are? That is a joke! They should have to wait like the rest of us. Definitely shouldn’t be given priority over those with underlying conditions. That is one strong union apparently.

  4. goody goody – how about the over 65 who were supposed to be next ion line ? now i am told that people from the homeless encampments will be next. none of this seems to be “official” – but when i try to make an appointment for myself (67) and my 78 year old partner, that is the talk.
    so – whoever is responsible for that – may the bird of paradise fly up your nose – with covid –

  5. Duke, sorry you misunderstand most of my comments. Even if teachers are zooming now, they will be doing at least hybrid teaching when the classes reopen, right? That’s what you are pushing for, right? So they should be eligible for the shot. Right now farmworkers and essential workers are getting it. Why not teachers and school staff?

  6. Pitmix – I understand your comments…they just often need a bit of correction/help. GUSD is going in person next week for the 80% of students that want/need that. The other 20% are online. Their teachers…will be with them… 100% online. So no…the 35 year old teacher who is teaching a fully online zoom class should not be prioritized in any capacity over older people or people with specific needs/conditions. SB unified will also have X number of teachers fully online. These teachers should also not be prioritized simply because of their union dues…we need to be caring for (and prioritizing) the most vulnerable…and not the ones with the most politically powerful union. Make sense???

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