Construction Update: Roundabouts and Vegetation Removal


CONSTRUCTION UPDATE: September 17 – 30, 2023

Spotlight:  In Montecito, the Olive Mill Roundabout has been paved and yield signs are up at each entrance. At the San Ysidro Roundabout, please expect stop signs at each leg and flaggers directing traffic as needed as construction continues. Vegetation removal in preparation for upcoming freeway construction will continue in Montecito along Hwy 101 at night. Please expect night noise.

 In Summerland, please expect night noise for pavement grinding on the freeway. At the Santa Claus Lane Bikeway, crews will install cable railing during the day. Please expect daytime closures for work with the bikeway opening each evening and on weekends. In Carpinteria, planting is complete and maintenance will be ongoing.

Closures (weather permitting)

Please drive safely through the corridor and remember to Slow for the Cone Zone. The speed limit is reduced to 55 mph for safety throughout the construction areas. Two freeway lanes remain open in each direction during daytime hours. Please expect day and night work.

  • Northbound Highway 101

    • Sunday nights, 9:00 pm – 5:00 am, 1 lane: Santa Monica Rd to Olive Mill Rd, off-ramp at Lillie Ave

    • Monday – Thursday nights, 8:00 pm – 5:00 am, 1 lane: Santa Monica Rd to Olive Mill Rd, off-ramp at Lillie Ave

      • Off-ramp at Sheffield Dr, Sept 21, this is a concurrent closure with the San Ysidro Rd off-ramp for pavement grinding. Drivers can use the off-ramp at Olive Mill Rd.

      • On-ramp at S Padaro/Santa Claus Ln, Sept 20 – 21, this is a concurrent closure with the N Padaro Ln on-ramp to enable crews to install girders for the new bridge at Arroyo Parida Creek. Drivers can use the on-ramp at Ortega Hill Rd.

    • Off-ramp at S Padaro Ln, closed until mid-December, drivers can use the northbound off-ramp at Santa Monica Rd (see map below)

    • On-ramp at N Padaro Ln, closed until mid-November, drivers can use the northbound on-ramp at Ortega Hill Rd

    • Off-ramp at San Ysidro Rd, closed until January 2024 (for roundabout and highway work), drivers can use the northbound off-ramp at Sheffield Dr. 

    • On-ramp at San Ysidro Rd, closed until early 2025 (for roundabout and highway work), drivers can use the northbound on-ramp at Sheffield Dr

  • Southbound Highway 101

    • Sunday nights, 9:00 pm – 5:00 am, 1 lane: Olive Mill Rd to Bailard Ave, on-ramp at Olive Mill Rd, off-ramp at San Ysidro Rd, on-ramp at N Padaro Ln

    • Monday – Thursday nights, 9:00 pm – 7:30 am, 1 lane:  Olive Mill Rd to Bailard Ave, on-ramp at Olive Mill Rd, off-ramp at San Ysidro Rd, on-ramp at N Padaro Ln

      • Off-ramp at N Padaro Ln, Sept 18

      • Off-ramp at S Padaro Ln, Sept 19

  • Olive Mill Roundabout

    • Sept 17 at night, Flaggers will direct traffic as needed as crews stripe the roundabout lanes.

  • S Jameson Ln (between San Ysidro and Olive Mill Rds)

    • Sept 18 – 22, 9:00 am to 3:00 pm, Flaggers will direct traffic as crews install temporary lighting for the upcoming Montecito freeway work.

  • S Padaro Ln Undercrossing

    • Sept 24 – 27, Crews will remove temporary supports used to build the new bridge. S Padaro Ln will be closed under Hwy 101 nightly from 9:00 pm to 6:00 am. Drivers can use the southbound on- and off-ramps as detours along with Via Real on the northbound side.

Please note:  consecutive ramps in the same direction will not be closed at the same time (unless where noted) to allow drivers to use a ramp before or after a closure. To view timelines, detours, and maps, please visit and select the project segment. 

Highway 101: Montecito
The Montecito segment is located between Sheffield Dr and Olive Mill Rd. The Highway 101 improvements are underway on the San Ysidro Overcrossing in conjunction with the San Ysidro Roundabout.

  • Crews will continue work on new safety railings and retaining walls for both sides of the San Ysidro Overcrossing. Work also continues at the top of the northbound on- and off-ramps at San Ysidro Rd for connections with the new roundabout.

  • On Hwy 101, crews will be clearing vegetation, setting temporary barriers, and working on temporary electricity connections for the start of freeway improvements. Please expect night noise.

  • Flaggers will direct traffic on S Jameson Ln between San Ysidro Rd. and Olive Mill Rd. from Sept 18 to Sept 21 between 9:00 am – 3:00 pm to install temporary lighting.

Olive Mill Roundabout

The majority of construction occurs between 7:00 am and 4:30 pm. 


  • Please note that yield signs are now up at all the entrances to the roundabout. Crews will begin landscaping.

  • Night work:  Crews will stripe lanes on the night of Sept 17. Please expect night noise.

  • Please expect 5-10 minute delays throughout the construction area and temporary stop signs for each leg of the roundabout as construction continues.

San Ysidro Roundabout
The majority of construction occurs between 7:00 am and 4:30 pm. 

  • Crews will continue work on the roundabout, the northbound on- and off-ramps, and the bridge rails on the overcrossing. Crews will also work in the northeast corner of the intersection for drainage, irrigation, and electrical work.

  • Pedestrian detour:  Crews will finish sidewalk work in the northwest corner of the roundabout. There will be a pedestrian detour along La Vereda during this work for the week of Sept 17. 

  • Utility companies will also continue work in the area and along N Jameson Ln. Please expect flaggers directing traffic as needed for the roundabout project and utility work. Please expect 5-10 minute delays.

Highway 101:  Summerland
The Summerland segment is located between Sheffield Drive and North Padaro Lane. 

  • Highway 101 

    • Median 

      • Crews will continue work on safety barriers and continued drainage improvements. 

    • Pavement grinding and smoothing

      • Crews will continue nighttime grinding. Please expect nighttime noise during this work. 

  • Evans Avenue Undercrossing & southbound on-ramp at Wallace Ave

    • Crews will finish detail work.

    • Southbound on-ramp at Wallace Ave

      • Crews will install chain link fencing and continue drainage improvements.

  • Ortega Hill Bike Path

    • Crews will pave Ortega Hill Rd near the bikeway.

Highway 101:  Padaro
The Padaro segment is located between North Padaro Lane and Santa Claus Lane.

  • Highway 101 & ramps

    • Northbound lanes and ramps

      • Crews will continue work on the new freeway lanes, retaining walls, and drainage improvements. Crews will install rebar and concrete for Continuously Reinforced Concrete Pavement (see photo above).

      • Northbound on-ramp at N Padaro Ln

        • Crews will continue roadwork and drainage improvements. 

      • Northbound off-ramp at S Padaro Ln

        • Crews will work on new drainage, irrigation, and the roadway.

    • Toro & Arroyo Parida Creek Bridges

      • Crews will install girders at Arroyo Parida bridge and pour concrete for the bridge deck at Toro Creek. 

  • S Padaro Ln Undercrossing

    • For the new bridge, crews will work on back walls.

    • Sept 24 – 27, Crews will remove temporary supports used to build the new bridge. S Padaro Ln under Hwy 101 will be closed at night for this work.

  • N Padaro Interchange

    • Concrete Mix Site:  week of Sept 17, 8:00 pm to 5:00 am, crews will mix concrete for new northbound lanes in the Padaro segment. By mixing concrete on-site, the project saves an estimated 463,771 truck miles, reduces water use by 400,000 gallons (concrete mixed on-site uses less water), and saves taxpayers between $10-$15 million.

    • Concrete recycling continues by the northbound Highway 101 off-ramp at N. Padaro Ln.

  •  Sound walls

    • Northbound by Serena Park

      • Crews will continue rebar installation for the new sound wall and safety barrier. 

Santa Claus Lane Bikeway
The Santa Claus Lane Bikeway is located between Santa Claus Lane and Carpinteria Avenue between the freeway and railroad tracks.

  • Crews will install cable railing during the day from 7:00 am to 5:00 pm weekdays. Please expect daytime closures, Monday – Friday, for this work with the bikeway opening each evening and on weekends. 

Highway 101:  Carpinteria
The Carpinteria segment is located between Santa Claus Lane and Bailard Avenue. 

  • Landscaping

    • Planting is complete! Ongoing maintenance will occur as needed.


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