Photo by Sharon McCutcheon on Unsplash
Source: SBC Mask Network
The SBC Mask Network Online Marketplace is now open. The Marketplace offers a clearinghouse for local sewists and retailers selling cloth face coverings to the general public.
Its goal is to help people who need to comply with the City of Santa Barbara’s new requirements that people wear face coverings in certain congregate settings. It also makes available masks for the many who just feel that it’s safer and better to comply with the CDC’s recommendations and “mask up!”
Sellers may enter their own free listing using the link at the site. Buyers will be able to directly contact the seller to inquire about materials, design, price, etc.
The Mask Network does not warrant or guarantee any aspect of the marketplace. It merely offers a venue for buyers and sellers to ‘meet’ virtually for the purchase and sale of cloth face coverings.
It is also essential to remember that face coverings are NOT a substitute for physical distancing and good hand hygiene. Cloth face coverings can reduce the spread of COVID 19 from an infected person to others. If we all wore them, we could significantly reduce transmission. But they need to be worn and cared for properly as well.
Please visit our resources page at for more information about the proper use and care of cloth face masks, as well as CDC recommendations about mask design and materials.