Chubby Checker Draws a Crowd

By an edhat reader

On Saturday afternoon the Lobero Theatre was filled with fun. Earl Minnis and the Lobero presented the 150th birthday ovation celebration with Chubby Checker & The Wildcats, along with Glen Phillips, Spencer The Gardener, and the La Boheme Dancers. 

Tons of people gathered on the steps of the theatre and onto the sidewalk to “twist” with the legendary singer during the free community block party.

For those who don’t know, Chubby Checker had five albums with his song “The Twist” hitting the charts at #1, twice. He’s now 81 years old and had a ton of energy.

He also told an interesting story about meeting Elvis in 1970 along with Liza Minnelli, Alice Cooper and Linda Lovelace.

A good time was had by all, thanks Lobero!

(Photos: Mahil Senathirajah)


Written by Anonymous

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  1. my daughter, dog, and I were there with some friends. What an AMAZING event! Thank you Minnis and The Lobero for this free block party. We watched/listened to Glen Phillips’ new band, amazing. Watched and listened to Spenser the Gardener, always amazing, La Boheme Dancers were exotic, classy/cool. Then the man himself took the stage, Chubby Checker played for nearly 2 hours from 6pm to about 8pm. He went through his classic hits, then did a mash up of classic covers and had the crowd moving. When the Twist started, we saw people ranging from 5 years old to 80+ shakin’ their money makers. It was so fun, such a great community event. <3 thanks!

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