Channel Islands Marine Sanctuary Seeks Commercial Fishing Council Applicants

By NOAA – Channel Islands National Marine Sanctuary

NOAA’s Channel Islands National Marine Sanctuary is seeking applications to fill a Commercial Fishing-alternate seat on its advisory council. The Sanctuary Advisory Council ensures public participation in sanctuary matters and provides advice to sanctuary management. 

Candidates will be selected based on their expertise and experience in relation to the seat(s) for which they apply, community and professional affiliations, and views regarding the protection and management of sanctuary resources. A video on the sanctuary’s website offers additional insight about the Advisory Council’s role in sanctuary operations:

Applications are accepted until June 8, 2023. Application kits can be downloaded from the sanctuary’s website: For more information, please contact Kacy Cooper, by email at; by phone at (805) 203-6004; or by mail at NOAA Channel Islands National Marine Sanctuary, Ocean Science Education Building 514, MC 6155, University of California, Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara, CA, 93106.

Selected applicants are encouraged to complete a two-year volunteer term on the Advisory Council. The Advisory Council consists of 21 members and alternates representing a variety of public interests. It also includes 20 governmental members and alternates representing federal, state, and county agencies.

Channel Islands National Marine Sanctuary was designated in 1980 to protect marine resources surrounding San Miguel, Santa Rosa, Santa Cruz, Anacapa, and Santa Barbara Islands. The sanctuary spans approximately 1,470 square miles extending from island shorelines to six miles offshore, and encompasses a rich diversity of marine life, habitats, and historical and cultural resources.

The Advisory Council actively recruits new members and alternates when positions are available. Check the sanctuary’s website for open application review periods and/or to request email notifications for when applications are being accepted.

The importance of diversity. Whether within a natural ecosystem or a human community, diversity creates strength and resilience. NOAA’s Office of National Marine Sanctuaries and Channel Islands National Marine Sanctuary value the remarkable diversity of knowledge, perspectives, and experience found throughout sanctuary communities – including that based on race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, disability (physical or mental), sexual orientation including gender identity, and genetic information – and invites a wide range of individuals to seek membership on the Advisory Council. With a diverse membership, the Advisory Council can broaden access to understanding and participation in marine conservation and governance, and become more effective in helping to advance the mission of the National Marine Sanctuary System.

NOAA Channel Islands National Marine Sanctuary:

NOAA Office of National Marine Sanctuaries:


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