Source: Channel City Camera Club
The Channel City Camera Club held its third exhibition of 2022. Seventy-five images and 1 video were critiqued by Ellen Clark (a club member and Los Angeles-based travel photographer), Tony Mastres, the head photographer at UCSB’s Photo Services, and Chuck Place, a popular teacher formerly at Brooks and now at Santa Barbara City College.
The top-scoring images will be entered it the Camera Club’s annual competition.
The club, established in 1939, provides its members feedback on their photographic images, as well as education, mentoring, field trips, social events, and opportunities to participate in print shows, including one scheduled for October at the Goleta Library.
Channel City Camera Club is now accepting applications for membership in 2022. For more information,
The attached high-scoring image, Aging Beauty by Judith Barat, is provided exclusively for the readers of Edhat.