Source: City of Goleta
The Cathedral Oaks Road Settlement Repair Project is scheduled to begin construction on Tuesday, January 5th, 2021. The project will provide a smoother ride for those traveling on Cathedral Oaks Road between Glen Annie Road and Los Carneros Road by repairing the “dip” in the roadway that occurs about 0.5 miles west of the Cathedral Oaks and Los Carneros intersection. The project is expected to take approximately two weeks to complete.
The Director of Public Works Charlie Ebeling said, “The Department of Public Works is excited to address the dip on Cathedral Oaks Road. The repair method is based on a thorough geotechnical investigation that ultimately showed that a relatively inexpensive method of leveling the roadway could be used. The repair method will also have far less impacts on roadway users by shortening the construction duration. We appreciate your patience during the construction period.”
The work consists of injecting material treatment beneath the roadway to repair the “dip” and bring the roadway elevations back to level grade. This project does not include roadway asphalt surface repairs at this time. The roadway surface repairs will be included in a future paving project after confirmation that roadway settling has been resolved.
The City awarded the project to Uretek USA Inc., and MNS Engineers, Inc. will be providing construction oversight for the City. City staff will be working with the contractor to minimize impacts to the public, however traffic control and flaggers will be needed during construction in order to complete the work.
If you have any questions, or would like additional information, please contact City Construction Manager Julie Jang at or at 805-690-5121.