Caterpillar Invasion

By an edhat reader

I have a large brick patio behind my house. In the last couple of days I have seen about a dozen little caterpillars trying to cross it. The heat made me think that they would not make it. I started pouring a little water in the grout joints in front of them. A couple of them got stepped on, so I got a piece of junk mail thin cardboard and let the rest of them crawl up. Took them to planters and dumped them.

They are about 3/4 inch long with a wider front half than back. White stripe across the middle. Anybody have an idea what they may be? There are Monarchs flying around, so that was my first thought. I tried to search on line but could not find a picture. I know, this is not news. Just a question for a person with knowledge.



Written by All Sides

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  1. Black Swallowtails are one of the most common garden butterflies in southern California. They love flower nectar and frequently stop to drink on garden plants. Their caterpillars use cultivated herbs like parsley and mint as host plants.

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