Carpinteria Middle School Student Arrested for Threats

Source: Santa Barbara County Sheriff’s Office

On February 23, 2018 deputies from the Santa Barbara County Sheriff’s Office, Coastal Division investigated reports that a threat of violence involving a firearm was made by a Carpinteria Middle School student. Numerous deputies were assigned to the investigation and met with staff at the middle school. Staff reported that the threat was made by a 13-year-old on-campus and was overheard by his fellow students.

The student was located and later arrested on a charge of making criminal threats. His residence was searched and no operable firearms were located. The suspect was transported and booked into Santa Maria Juvenile Hall. 

School staff alerted parents of the incident earlier in the day. Next week there will be increased patrols across all Carpinteria schools, and we encourage anyone with information about a threat to a school to contact the Sheriff’s Office and school staff immediately.

Edhat Staff

Written by Edhat Staff

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  1. Some of today’s youth enjoy the freedom of expression to a degree that instills a “stupid” boldness that they can do anything and not be held accountable…such as this incident. Discipline starts in the home and, as such, extends to educating a child in understanding right from wrong. Fire departments / forest services impose cost of manpower and equipment use on the individual/family if a minor and make it a part of the probation commitment. Hit the pocket book and see how often such “stupidity” occurs.

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