Atlas is a 1-year-old male, black Labrador Retriever mix, available for adoption at the Lompoc Animal Center. Atlas weighs approximately 47 lbs. and is energetic and affectionate. Staff says Atlas has fun puppy energy that is satisfied by playing with toys. Atlas would be a great addition to your home because he craves affection and connection. Atlas’ adoption fees include his neuter, microchip, vaccinations, flea treatment, and health/wellness exam.
The Lompoc division of Santa Barbara County Animal Services is located at 1501 West Central in Lompoc. Stop by between 10:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. Tuesday through Sunday or call (833) 422-8413 for more information about available animals throughout the County. The
Want to help but aren’t ready to commit? Our adoptable animals, even those too young to adopt, are available for fostering. Visit https://www.countyofsb.

To learn more about CAPA, a non-profit organization committed to supporting the medical and behavioral needs of the animals in the
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