California Makes $1.18 Billion Transportation Investment

Source: Caltrans

The California Transportation Commission (CTC) [last month] allocated more than $1.18 billion for projects to fix and improve transportation infrastructure throughout California. Senate Bill (SB) 1, the Road Repair and Accountability Act of 2017, accounts for more than half of this critical investment – $630 million.

“California has the most heavily-traveled transportation system in the country,” said Caltrans Director Toks Omishakin. “Today’s investment will allow Caltrans to make critical repairs and upgrades to our state’s roads and bridges, increase options for transit, rail, walking and biking, and support thousands of jobs.”

Projects approved today include:

  • $18 million to grind and resurface the pavement, upgrade curb ramps to meet Americans with Disabilities Standards (ADA) on State Route 135 from Lakeview Road to US 101 in Santa Maria in Santa Barbara County.


  • $12 million to replace the Old Creek Bridge on Highway 1 near Morro Bay in San Luis Obispo County.  This project will also include improved bridge rails, guardrail, highway shoulders and rock slope protection.


  • $1.9 million to install Accessible Pedestrian Systems (push buttons), countdown pedestrian signals and crosswalk signs to improve pedestrian and bicycle safety in various locations on State Routes 135 and 246 and US 101 in San Luis Obispo and Santa Barbara Counties.

SB 1 provides $5 billion in transportation funding annually split between the state and local agencies. Road projects progress through construction phases more quickly based on the availability of SB 1 funds, including projects that are partially funded by SB 1. For more information about other transportation projects funded by SB 1, visit


Written by caltrans

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  1. Could they please hire another 3 people to put the 3rd lane between the two ongoing projects in Summerland and Carp? Why they thought it was a great idea to do those 2 stretches and not extend the Carp project northward is beyond me. Maybe they just like to sit on the overpasses drinking coffee and laughing at the poor commuters trying to make their way through another time-killing 3 land to 2 merge (Faria, Mussel Shoals, Carpinteria, and soon Summerland?

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