Busy Night on State Street

By an edhat reader

It was a busy night on State Street Friday. This was taken outside Sama Sama in the 1200 block on the first day the City of Santa Barbara allowed outdoor dining.

Photos by Paul on Friday evening

By Ginger


Written by Anonymous

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  1. This is not going to end well. I predict the city will shut it down Tuesday at 5pm. I surely hope not. THEKID5: there is no evidence that the virus is spread by HVAC systems. It is highly likely it is not. The “real danger” is from ignorance. No one knows what the percentage of asymptomatic carriers is in this county. In order to know that you have to test a cohert of everyone at the same time, not just suspect or actively ill people. There is actually no scientific evidence that it can be spread from surface contact. Here’s the science: one little droplet isnt going to do it. Takes many. How many? No one knows. The only possibility to get it from a surface is if one touches a surface just contaminated (coughed on) by an infected person and then within a very short period of time (no one knows how short) puts that finger into their nose or mouth. Like while “adjusting” or putting or taking off the face covering. One might say that fiddling with your face covering is a primary risk factor. Might be. But no one actually knows that to be true or not. The best, and only proven personal preventative measures are to keep a distance and wash/disinfect your hands. Goes for any virus.

  2. It is going to be tough to keep people who are drinking from socializing. This is just the beginning of the “Living With Covid-19 Life” we will lead. At best, it is he top half of the 2nd inning, were it a ballgame. There is less known about this killer virus than is known and there is no effective treatment for it. The real danger are the 40% of people who have it, but show no signs of illness. The biggest issue for our local residents are people from outside of Santa Barbara who are carriers and transmit the virus locally. HVAC systems inside of bars and restaurants have the ability to pick up the virus from a carrier and spread it through the premises. This is going to be a long, tough slog. Wash them paws and wear a mask.

  3. What a bunch of negative Nancy’s! The next headline will be be about phase 3 and the opening of hair salons, gyms, nail places etc. where did the positivity in the community go? Doesn’t anyone want this to end or shall we play the doom and gloom hide in your room game for the rest of our lives?

  4. For anyone thinking about eating in a restaurant, anywhere, this is the study to think about when you’re evaluating risk of #virus exposure. (lesson here: don’t be downwind from the asymptomatic spreader sitting next to the A/C). (Ginger, 1:04pm – we all are still learning)
    Quote Tweet
    zeynep tufekci
    · Apr 18
    Amazing study, supporting droplet (rather than aerosol) as key means of transmission. One asymptomatic person infected 10 (out of 91) at restaurant—but *only* if they were in direct line of air pushed by the A/C. (Aerosol would have infected others, too). https://wwwnc.cdc.gov/eid/article/26/7/20-0764_article

  5. What will all of you doomsday experts and Chicken Little aficionados say when cases don’t spike and deaths don’t occur? It hasn’t happened in every state that opened up three or more weeks ago. I can’t help the feeling that so many of you want to see a spike just so you can say, “See, I told you so.” Jeez, those of you should just stay locked up at home and hide forever. Please do so when the cold and flu season comes around also, which is to say……forever. We would rather live our lives and not have to deal with the likes of you.

  6. @ 5:40. You mean like Alabama cases and deaths that are actually going down since reopening? Yeah, just keep wishing for everyone in SB to get sick and die, because that’s what so many of the posts here seem to want even when it’s not close to happening. From May 23: “In Alabama the 2,200 positives equate to a 6.7 percent positive rate, which is down from the previous two weeks, meaning the state is finding fewer cases per test, which suggests reduced community spread. Across Alabama, 52 people died this week because of the virus. That’s the fewest virus-related deaths for any week since April 17.”

  7. I’m pleased and happy to repeat the news that we have in fact caught and killed a large predator that supposedly injured some bathers. But as you can see, it’s a beautiful day, the beaches are opened, and people are having a wonderful time. Amity, as you know, means friendship.

  8. Hello, here’s my perspective of state street, I was there on Saturday riding my bike. Kinda scary, the cross traffic should have working lights, some stopped some didn’t and some didn’t stop after one car went through. So that definitely needs addressing . Some not wearing masks but many did.
    But I dont think I want to eat on the street right now with this situation, as said by others someone could sneeze or cough right next to you and the wind blow it right to you. I think they need partitions separating the dinners from the people walking.
    And maybe for those who Are afraid of bikes maybe a 2 sided center lane for bikes only. The street is big enough to do this. I did like being able to ride my bike on state street without worrying about a car hitting me. I did not eat there, not that many opened and seating situation is worrisome right now. And yes the cases will drop cause few season is over till October, then I surly hope people take caution seriously.

  9. I think people sitting at outside tables are complete idiots. Imagine someone coughing or sneezing as they walk by your table.
    The people that will dine outside are those that will not move over as you converge with them as you walk on the sidewalk.
    Who is cooking your food? Yesterday I saw many restaurant employees working with their masks improperly used. I even saw a restaurant owner with their mask below their nose.
    These restaurants do not have the money nor the time to properly train their staff. The rules that are in place mandated by the City will definately not be followed. Guaranteed, when a new employee is hired, the training will be weak. As we all know, service in Santa Barbara, is terrible. There’s no way in hell restaurants are going to keep up with the daily training. It’s costly. Sanitizing every table after use, right.
    I don’t agree with anything Gavin Newsom ever says, but, I do agree, unless there is a vaccine, there is no way in hell I’m ever going to sit inside or outside a restaurant and have people without masks walking around me. How unpleasant. Do you think waiters are going to remind customers to put on their masks as the customer leaves the table to the restroom? It’s bad enough that many people don’t wash their hands after using the restroom.
    People, you are idiots to go to a restaurant when there is no vaccine!!!!

  10. @ 6:46, 6:34, and our good friend Macp: You mean all 30 ICU beds in Montgomery? WHOW! People need to stop mixing up “cases” and “deaths” as I have stated numerous times. Yes, cases will continue to rise as more tests are administered – no one disputes that fact. That is not the point and right now the graphs all indicate “cases” remain flat. Deaths are what matters. From World of Meters, where there are actual facts and not narratives to support fear: Florida deaths, April 28 = 83; Florida deaths, May 23 = 43. Alabama deaths April 21= 20; May 23 = 8. Herd immunity is clearly working in those states that have utilized it.

  11. Big you are typical of someone who doesn’t have kids, doesn’t know anyone in the medical profession and doesn’t have any loved ones affected by the virus. Are you home because the Trump check ran out? It amuses us that you are our guest guinea pig. Why aren’t you out tonight keyboard warrior?

  12. 11:36 p.m. It is ‘positive’ to believe in science. It is not ‘positive’ to magically think we can open businesses in the midst of a continuing spread without consequence. Your ‘positivity’ will lead to sickness and death without real controls. I can’t see what benefit it is to an individual to sit in a public place with unknown potential carriers around her just to show ‘positivity.’

  13. Not sure what planning went into State St. Closing with bicyclists and skateboarders riding dangerously near pedestrians, many doing tricks like this is now a skatepark. Is this even legal? Saw a person almost hit by a bicycle on Friday afternoon. Also the blinking traffic lights at the crosstreets make no sense as it’s completely unsafe to pedestrians as cars cross State St. No real right of way involved. In regards to the restaurants spilling out into the street it is obvious that they have not been given clear guidance as to how to do it. It looks like a mixed up mess on the 1200 Block with restaurants completely blocking the sidewalk and beyond. Let’s hope this whole plan gets revisited after the holiday to make it safe and practical. It will be interesting to see the Covid19 numbers in a few weeks.

Cliff Fall in Goleta

Way Back When: Monkey Terrorizes Santa Barbara