Big Event in Town?

by an edhat reader,

We landed at the Santa Barbara airport around 11:00 AM today and there was a big flush of corporate jets departing, and several more on the ramps.  Was something going on in town to draw in all of the jets and their riders?  There was a large number parked early Friday morning as well.​


Written by Anonymous

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  1. One after another, hours of very expensive private planes, intermingling with regular commuter traffic. Who knew Goleta would be inundated with air traffic? Even the small jets cause pollution and lots of noise. Not fun.

  2. What could the possible reason be for your comment to get a down vote? Considering her lack of understanding about the actual criminal/drug addict/mentally ill nature of the supposed “homeless issue” she would irrefutably go the way of LA and SF and build as many units for these criminal/drug addict/mentally ill that also do not have a home.

  3. Backfilling city employee pensions is the biggest city budget item so expect all city revenues to end up in the back pockets of city employees. This has been going on now for years. Why do you think the city demanded a new tax just to get our roads fixed finally. All other city revenues were dedicated to city employee benefits.

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