Between a Rock and a Hard Place

By Edhat Staff


The Santa Barbara Police Department shared a photo on their Instagram page yesterday showing a car that had been driven into a difficult place.

It looks as if the car had been accidentally driven into a wooden fence, landing itself on a driveway wedged between an apartment building wall and a concrete ledge.

The police praise local tow truck drivers for solving difficult situations like this.

Edhat Staff

Written by Edhat Staff

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  1. I have a friend who was a tow truck driver for Harry Woods @Woods Garage in the 1950s. When he went to a fatal accident he had to pull the bodies out before connecting to the vehicle. Great changes since then!

  2. So, am I the rock or the hard place?
    This is my kitchen he slammed into.
    I was the one who dialed 911.
    The elderly man was crying for help.
    I am insomniac, was trying to fall asleep, when I heard what sounded like an explosion. My kitties disappeared for hours! They’re strictly indoors, so, they’re amazing hiders.
    I was glad the driver was ok, heard he had a broken nose from the air bag.
    I just about had a heart attack thinking the rapture was here! LoL

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