By an edhat reader
We didn’t expect to see a bear at the beach house we are working on! Though he does have great taste in homes, this beautiful animal was successfully relocated to the back-country, and is happier in the hills.
Originally posted on edhat’s instagram page, see it here.
Thank You….
I grew up next to the Miramar and can’t imagine our reaction if a bear had shown up. Thanks for the picture, looks like a healthy bear.
The Rincon bear was very, very sick. It would have been abusive to turn it out in the backcountry to die a slow death.
So Fish and Game stated but with their reasoning I found it hard to believe and still do.
Gee the reason why I heard the bear was put down was It was “old and had bad teeth.” Now suddenly it has all this other crap and that is not the only bear that was put down there was the bear on the cliffs past El Cap everyone shut down about that one. It’s one thing to voice your opinion Tagdes and another to put people down Grip your own reality.