Source: Dare 2 Dream Farms
Since the outbreak of COVID-19, Santa Barbara farm owners, Jeremy and Megan Raff of Dare 2 Dream Farms have seen an exponential boom in baby chick sales, as residents throughout the Coast of California rush to buy and raise backyard chickens. Most recently, the farm sold 950 baby chicks in just ten minutes.
During the last recession, Dare 2 Dream Farms realized that backyard chickens helped fill the food shortage concerns in urban areas, allowing residents to maintain their own supply of fresh eggs. So baby chick sales, education, coop building — along with fresh produce, eggs, and dairy sales — are all staples of this Santa Barbara County farm.
COVID-19 has once again ignited food-security concerns and the farm is more prepared than ever for the influx of beginner backyard chicken keepers. The Raff’s have found that backyard chickens are actually filling multiple needs of California residents. With kids home from school and parents needing educational and lighthearted projects to keep them busy, chick raising has become a go-to for families. Plus, there is a shortage of eggs at markets because they’re a staple for households while people cook at home instead of dining out.
Dare 2 Dream Farms chickens are sold at For those interested in raising backyard chickens, the Dare 2 Dream blog offers tips and suggestions. The farm’s Beginners Backyard Chickens Classes will also be made available as webinars in lieu of classes on the farm.
Mmmmmmm… Getting the deep fryer ready! 🙂
But don’t mention what happens to you if you happen to be born a male chick . . . Nothing “lighthearted” about that.
I think that curmudgeon just explained the Male chicken thing…
They live 10-15 years, all but 3 making them just pet animals after they start producing eggs; their excretions turn the ground they are on to stone; the fertilizer is very “hot” so you can’t give it away to any gardeners who can’t let it age; they smell; the rats adore their poop and food leavings and will come from miles around.