Authentic Deep Dish Pizza?

By Nature Boy

Does anyone know if there’s a place in town that serves authentic Chicago-style deep dish pizza?

I’ve been craving it lately but I’ve never seen it on a menu in town. Thanks!!


Written by Nature Boy

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  1. The only authentic Chicago-style pizza is found in…..Chicago. If you want something close/similar/kinda like/sorta/etc., try Paxti’s on State Street. I’ve had deep dish pizza in Chicago, but the amount of cheese was a bit much for me. Mind you, I like cheese, but two-inches thick was over the top for me. For not Chicago-style pizza, Fatte’s is the place that in my opinion is theee best in SB. They advertise 2-for-1 pizza, but you’ll still be paying $40-plus for two really good pizzas. I know people love/love/love Rusty’s (and other places too), but Fatte’s got my biz from now on out.
    P.S. – If you had a bad experience at Fatte’s and hate the place for one reason or another, then that was your experience….and I accept that.

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