Assault at Los Patos

By Roger the Scanner Guy

Assualt in progress, a woman is screaming near Los Patos at the Railroad Tracks. There are numerous reporting parties.


Written by Roger

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  1. Coming to a high cost area one cannot afford does not earn the title “homeless” or even “houseless”. It is called total lack of common sense. This is their problem; not ours. No two systems of justice in this town – one for vagrants who get a free pass, and one for the rest of us who face very strict penalties for city ordinance violations. Come here and you are responsible for all public conduct and property protection ordinances that apply to everyone. No two ways about this. The days of making excuses are over. The community mood finally shifted to our own self-preservation – imagine that. All four city council seats now open will be contested. Two seats already have announced candidates – mayor (city wide) and district four – (Upper and Lower Riviera). The other two districts – (Upper State -San Roque area), and (Braemar – Oak Park area), will now also have opposition candidates. This election will clearly be a referendum on vagrancy camps, which have been destroying our town and wasting millions of dollars from our tax payer funded city budget. every year. Current city council forgot who they are working for and it shows. Voters reached a critical mass on just this one issue, and will send a very different city council this new message.

  2. BOSCO, finally a comment with a sense of reality. Thank you for understanding the frustration many of us in Isla Vista, Goleta, Noleta and Santa Barbara feel.
    I will admit that my words are not nice. But why keep the kid gloves on? Truth needs to be said and things need to change. Call those perpetuating this mess to task!
    Why are these do-gooders intent on dragging communities down? The worst part is many of these do-good types aren’t even from the area.
    Take Santa Barbara for example. Who opened the door and allowed Homeless Inc to roll out the red carpet to “houseless neighbors” from anywhere and everywhere?
    It was former Mayor Helene Schneider, a New York transplant who decided to bring some of the Dinkins era Big Apple with her and share it with Santa Barbara. Look where we are.
    Since her tenure as Mayor of Santa Barbara, the “houseless neighbor” population rose and meanwhile, the police were chastised for doing their job, such as arresting vagrants with warrants.
    People can blame CoVid, income inequality, rising house prices, food insecurity, whatever, for this increase in “houseless neighbors” but the reality is meth and heroin.
    You can rest assured none of these “houseless neighbors” causing a majority of the problems didn’t suddenly lose their homes and jobs to any of the reasons above other than the real reasons, meth and heroin. That is their new religion.
    Look at many of these “houseless neighbors” and you’ll see plenty of young, able bodied young people. Tells me it is a lifestyle, not a circumstance.
    Yet we keep handling them with the kid gloves and this is the reason for the frustration many feel, but won’t say, on news or social media. They’re afraid of being shamed publicly.
    Again, thank you for noticing what not only I, but MANY in the community feel and if my words seem harsh, maybe people offended should bother to ask why the words are harsh.

  3. Poor guy probably refused to pay rent so they made an example out of him.
    LA Times reported on what is next.
    In the Los Feliz area a street gang has taken over the homeless encampment and uses the camp as a shield for their drug sales and theft activities. LA City took down a tarp house used by the gang to sell drugs (according to the homeowner across the street) and the City replaced the tarp with a brand new tent to meet ADA requirements.
    The gang realized there are diferent sets of rules for encampments so they take shifts selling drugs from the tents. The police need to be exact in their search warrant and it is hard to define terms in an encampment.
    Shootings are escalating.

  4. EDNEY… DAMN! Seriously, that’s what’s going on there? We have a couple of local drug dealers running sales out of the encampment in Isla Vista. Your explanation with regards to the “rent” thing could be the case.

  5. Rypert. I wouldn’t put all the blame on Helene Schneider. It’s obviously very complicated. The situation has become much worse throughout California and the West Coast in general. The causes are far too broad to list here but housing, mental illness, addiction are all factors. Where I do agree with you is the way it’s being handled by “kid gloves” like you said. Too many people here think it’s ok to give out free lunches and build shelters. What’s ignored is that any support services need to also be paired with police measures. I believe we need to reinstitute mental hospitals and I’m even ok with providing some housing services such has hotel rooms or select “homeless” housing. However, that needs to go hand in hand with restrictions on camping, drug use, and one-way tickets out of town for people unwilling to play by the rules. People should be categorized on their mental capabilities and if they are truly from Santa Barbara or not. We can and should have the resources to take care of our own. But, beyond our resources, we shouldn’t tolerate vagrants from out of town. The issue is that we, as a society, have decided that we can’t force people into services That needs to change.

  6. 2:38 The other referendum coming up this November is a vote of no confidence in our city attorney. Of course there is something you can do after that crazy court decision created a massive unfunded mandate on municipal governments, falling most heavily on only some jurisdictions and not at all on others. You fight it. You appeal it. You don’t sit there, wring your hands and let this disaster engulf our town.

  7. BOSCO, on a local scale, for the City of Santa Barbara, I have to put it on Schneider, but that is something we can all go back and forth on in perpetuity.
    On the recent scale, yes, the problem is complex, but there are stark factors that can simplify the problems we’re facing.
    Let’s begin with warrants. If any of these indivuduals have warrants, ARREST THEM! If you or I had a warrant, you can rest assured we’d be thrown behind bars, why not the “houseless neighbors”?
    Because they’re a protected species. Get rid of that rating and arrest the ones in violation with the law. That is the ONLY way they are going to get the help and treatment they need and let’s be real, keeps them off the streets and keeps the public safe.
    Again, IF THEY HAVE WARRANTS ARREST THEM! This does not make homelessness a crime, it goes after criminal behavior, regardless of if you are homeless or not.
    Then there’s the organizations that want to perpetuate the problem, Food Not Bombs Isla Vista, Bonfire Collective and Ecovista. They are worthless on a number of levels.
    To begin with, there’s only 20 to 30 of them, as seen in stories here.
    They are a loud minority full of hatred toward law enforcement, homeowners and business. They want all those institutions to fail so they can carry out their anarcho-socialist fantasies. Just look at their social media pages, it says it all.
    They harass and bully members of the community who don’t go along with their agenda, this is what makes them fascist bullies and thugs.
    As I have stated numerous times, I have zero issue with the actual homeless. Who my issue lies with is these able bodied young urban traveler tweaker junkie types and they crimes they commit.
    We need to stop making excuses for them and start handling them in a manner that accommodates their criminal nature.
    I’m not a fan of forced rehabilitation or treatment, but I am a fan of having criminals with warrants arrested. That’s where the true targeting need s to be. Get them off the streets, OUR streets!
    As for the “cost” of these actions, we already have prisons we pay for! Use those same resources for this! Enough is enough already!

  8. Bird – The 9th Circuit ruled that homeless persons cannot be punished for (sleeping), sleeping, outside on public property in the absence of adequate alternatives. Nothing written about what to do with the homeless that are awake and loitering. It appears the city might be able to push back. What’s your thought on the city packing up and moving people and their property out of these encampments that are awake, day or night?

  9. Great, what I come back home to see. I think that’s the same area where another assault happened, compliments of a wonderful “houseless neighbor” about a month ago.
    Didn’t go good for the perp, 2 citizens forcibly detained him until law enforcement arrived. He was trying to make a break to the railroad tracks.
    The amusing part is John Palminteri just happened to be going through there as the incident was happening, he got to witness it in person.
    So now people can’t enjoy birdwatching without the fear of getting mugged because of the “houseless neighbors”?

  10. This issue of dangerous vagrants and their health and safety violation camps will be a city council election issue this year – the gauntlet has been thrown down and the discussion will finally take place outside of city hall chambers. Voters will get a chance to finally weigh in.

  11. LOLOLOL CHILLIN! Know PLENTY of HOMELESS people, hell buddy, even been homeless myself. The “houseless neighbors” I always refer to in a not so nice manner are the urban traveler, tweaker, junkie ilk who committ crimes. Come on little fellow, you claim to be former law enforcement (sorry guy, rent a cop doesn’t count), you should KNOW the differences. As for me trying to find a “final solution” on the matter of homeless, again, the problem isn’t homeless, it’s the ilk that is the constant source of problems for all communities. I have to add, those are also the ilk that ABUSES the legit homeless! They assault, rob and in some cases, rape them. They especially prey on the mentally ill homeless. Come on guy, learn to differentiate!

  12. Rypert speaks for more people that most here would like admit. It may not be PC, but his frustration is exactly what many people living in this community are feeling. It’s not that we don’t care about humanity, it’s that we are fed up with the behavior of these people. It’s gotten fundamentally worse over the last 12 months and it needs to be addressed before someone is seriously hurt or killed. I don’t have an answer for the problem, but our city leaders need to understand the community is becoming less and less empathetic. People may not like what and how Rypert says things but he represents a very real sentiment in the community.

  13. LOLOLOL! AWAREHUMAN, you made a funny! Thank you for that. Not angry w/ my name and not a teen agitator. Want to know what I’m angry about? Alright, I’ll share with you.
    I have this encampent just down the street from me here in Isla Vista. It was an encampment created by a faulty pandemic policy that favored some areas and used other areas, such as Isla Vista, as a place to settle felons, tweakers and junkies in.
    We already have our homeless, but they have fallen by the wayside, compliments of the new arrivals, who are NOT even from the area.
    These new arrivals, they have also abused the local homeless people. They have assaulted them, robbed them and sexually assaulted some. 1 of the long time homeless guys, they beat him severely, so bad in fact that he went back to his tent, self medicated and OD’d.
    He never stole, never harassed anyone, never committed any crimes, he was just homeless, but these “houseless neighbors” decided he was a weak link and they beat him up.
    I have more reasons to be angry about this, but this here is the tip of the iceberg and sets the tone. I hope I answered your question somewhat.

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