Armed Robbery in a Residence

Armed robbery in the 900 Block of Castillo Street. The weapon used was a tazer, suspects described as two white males possibly on foot.


Written by Roger

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  1. You are wrong. I live in the Down Town Worker Housing unit on the corner. Every neighbor I have met is a pleasant, well adjusted citizen who works for ~15-20$/hr at a job in the neighborhood. Your bigotry is unfounded and ignorant. This incident did not occur at our building. Thanks for showing everyone you’re a real idiot, though.

  2. I like how my comment is getting down-votes.
    Do you people not like that ;
    A.) The incident did not occur in a SBHA building?
    Is that the down-vote subject? or is it;
    B.) Casa De Los Fuentes is for local workers who are poorly paid and not a housing project
    transitioning from homelessness?

  3. So now we have to worry about being robbed or killed by the people who come to your home looking for food because the supply chain has broken down and there’s nothing in the stores. Meanwhile these petty tyrants in charge are being protected with the best weapons and guards our money can buy while living like kings.

Fatal Vehicle Collision Near Padaro Lane

Scanner Reports 5-6-20