Alice Keck Park Memorial Garden Pond Update

By an edhat reader

Here’s a pic of the A.K.P.M.G. pond, refilled.

My housemate took this photo [Thursday]. I sure hope it stops people from tossing bread and other junk food to the birds and fish.

Edhat Staff

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  1. Something in the news that I read today that has a certain parallel to the duck/koi/turtles at Alice Keck Park: “Oslo (AFP) – A polar bear was shot dead after attacking a German cruise ship worker on Norway’s Svalbard archipelago in the Arctic Ocean, the authorities said Sunday. The unnamed man in his 40’s suffered head injuries shortly after landing on Spitzbergen island. He was accompanying a tourist expedition from the MS Bremen of Hapag-Lloyd Cruises on Saturday.”……Polar bears associate humans with food….either as food-food (sandwiches, “trail” mix, MREs, etc.), or people-food (arms, legs, and such). This is so sad. If those wealthy “adventure” tourists hadn’t been there, that polar bear would be alive, and maybe even snackin’ on some greasy seal blubber. Say no to killing wildlife, say no to adventure tours that only ruin the environment, and get animals killed. I never killed so many spiders/bugs as I did when I was an adventure trip in Costa Rica a few years ago… I only killed the ones crawlin’ on me. That was then, but now: No thanks – would rather watch a nature film!!

  2. thats as much of a stretch as the article you are referencing. the article stated that this area is KNOWN for polar bears and is very FAR up in the arctic. yes tourists are visiting, but to blame the tourists for the fact that the bears are there is unrealistic and ignorant. stop trying to use this as a soapbox for an issue that is not related to alice keck park.

  3. Ignorance causes a lot of damage. Well-intentioned ignorance is even worse since the determined ignorant are unable to believe facts to the contrary. “A person convinced against his will is of the same opinion still.”

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