A Proud Night for Pierre Claeyssen’s “Night at the Drive-In”

By Bonnie Carroll

The long drive into the Goleta West Wind Drive-in was lined with welcoming American flags as guests arrived for the Veterans foundation “Night at the Drive-In presented by Pierre Claeyssens Veterans Foundation (PCVF) to honor World War II Veterans, Art Peterson, and Ugo D. Arnoldi on Wednesday, November 11th at Pierre Claeyssens Veterans Foundation “Night at the Drive-In!” event. The Veteran’s Day spirit was alive and well at the event. Attendees were invited to decorate their cars and it was joyous watching so many come through the entrance covered with red, white, and blue ribbons and American flags

Every year, PCVF has their in-person Military Ball to show their appreciation for all Veterans but this year, due to COVID-19, they changed their usual in-person event to a drive-in event to fit social distancing guidelines. Guests enjoyed a gourmet BBQ boxed dinner, a movie screening of Memphis Belle to keep their tradition of honoring veterans from the Santa Barbara community alive.  

“We are proud to be able to have a Veteran’s Day event for Santa Barbara since we can’t have our annual Military Ball. We are excited to show support for our local veterans during “Night at the Drive-In!” and it is with our highest honor to show appreciation for Art and Ugo during this event,” said PCVF co-founder Lt. John Blankenship (USN former).  

The Color Guard was presented by UCSB ROTC and CDT Tally Darsonval, UCSB ROTC lead the Pledge of Allegiance. David Gonzales, Sergeant, SBPD (ret) sang the National Anthem and Jack Armstrong, U.S. Army (ret) gave a moving invocation. 

[Left] LTC Jack Armstrong, U.S. Army (ret) and ​Keynote Speaker Col. Anthony J. Mastalir, Commander at 30th Space Wing Vandenberg AFB [right]


Keynote Speaker, Col. Anthony J. Mastalir, Commander at 30th Space Wing Vandenberg AFB gave a moving talk on how wonderful it is that Pierre Claeyssens Veterans Foundation in Santa Barbara honors its veterans each year in this way. He shared the greatness of our United States Armed forces and shared information on the important work being done by 3,000 service members and the exciting news on an upcoming launch at Space Wing Vandenberg AFB.

This year PCVF honored 96-Year-Old World War II Veteran and Santa Barbara native, Art Peterson. Peterson was a paratrooper in the Army’s 101st Airborne Division during World War II. On D-Day, June 6th, 1944, Peterson was involved in the largest seaborne invasion that has occurred in history. Peterson fought in some of the biggest battles in the European war, even though he had a hard time getting into the military. He was just 17 years old and finishing up high school when the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor plunged the U.S. into World War II.  

Peterson was sent to basic training at Camp Roberts, which is on the San Luis Obispo/Monterey County Line. While there, he volunteered as a paratrooper and was sent to Ft. Campbell, Kentucky. His unit, Fox Company, arrived in England in late 1943 for final training before the invasion.  

Peterson says it was while he was in England, he had some of the toughest duty of the war, helping to recover the bodies of British civilians killed in the Germans incessant bombing of London.  

Though he came through D-Day without a scratch, he was not so lucky three months later as the 101st Airborne pushed into German-occupied Holland. He was preparing to jump out of a plane with his unit when a bullet came through the floor of the plane, and hit him in the leg, severely wounding him. His sergeant ordered him not to jump, and to take the plane back to England.  

Also honored at the evening event was PCVF Ugo D. Arnoldi, now deceased, who also served on D-Day and was a machine gunner and a driver as Patton was breaking out of Normandy.  Arnoldi was drafted into the army in June of 1943 at the age of eighteen and took basic training at the Fort Riley, Kansas Cavalry School. He was then transferred to Fort Jackson, South Carolina for further training.  

Early in 1944, he was sent to England to prepare for the D-Day invasion where he was stationed on the Salisbury plains, once called the Cloth of Gold due to the lavish tournaments held by early English kings. It was within sight of the famed Stonehenge, thought to be the ruins of a sacrificial temple from the days of the Druids.  

World War II Veterans, Art Peterson (Left) and Ugo D. Arnoldi (Right) will be honored Wednesday, November 11th at Pierre Claeyssens Veterans Foundation “Night at the Drive-In!” event

When the 3rd army broke out of Normandy in early August, its movement across France proceeded very quickly. By early September, the 3rd army was near Metz, Germany just south of Luxembourg. Several months later, Arnoldi boarded a ship for the United States and left the army on January 10, 1946.  

Upon his return to Santa Barbara, Mr. Arnoldi went to Santa Barbara Business College and became the bookkeeper-accountant for his parents who owned Arnoldi’s Café and a local masonry company. His family still owns the property but is no longer in the restaurant business.  

Renowned motivational speaker Eileen McDargh, founder and CEO of the consulting firm, The Resiliency Group, gave an inspiring speech on pride and gratitude for the many veterans who have served our country and touched our lives, and Lt. John Blankenship closed the program as guests snuggled in warm blankets and prepared to dine on their box of delicious roast beef, chicken, mac n’cheese, fresh roll and a cookie for dessert, served with a variety of beverages while watching the historic film “Memphis Belle,” starring Matthew Modine and Santa Barbara’s won Eric Stoltz. 

The Pierre Claeyssens Veterans Foundation is committed to honoring the men and women who have served in uniform at any time. PCVF does this by supporting veterans and active-duty members, and related partner organizations, in Santa Barbara and Ventura counties, as well as preserving military history and legacy. The Foundation works to uphold Pierre Claeyssens’vision that those who have served are “Never Forgotten.” PCVF is funded entirely by private donations. For more information, visit www.pcvf.org or call (805) 259-4394.  

Bonnie Carroll

Written by Bonnie Carroll

Writer, publisher, editor over 30 years, Bonnie Carroll is the present Publisher, Editor-in-Chief of Bonnie Carroll's Life Bites News founded 2005. She is also a contributor to a bevy of magazine and newspapers California and international since 1983.

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