779 COVID-19 Cases Added Sunday

By edhat staff

The Public Health Department reported 779 new COVID-19 cases on Sunday.

Santa Barbara County’s total case count is now 21,323 with 2,129 of those being active.

The hospitalization and intensive care unit data was not available as of Sunday evening.

There have been 197 deaths.

Both Santa Barbara County and the greater Southern California Region have 0% ICU availability.

Detailed data and trends can be found on the community dashboard.

Edhat Staff

Written by Edhat Staff

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  1. Do you see this as a similar divergence as with influenza – two strains with different sub-types? I understand that you feel that any one of the vaccines is capable of creating an overall coverage, but what about the human immune system? I have heard that there is a possibility of vaccinations creating a bigger problem if there are already antibodies, but what if it is for a different strain? Layman here, I apologize if my questions are…. well, you know.

  2. “The new data show 40 percent of diagnosed COVID-19 patients with at least one underlying health condition were hospitalized (including 13 percent in ICU)—versus 9 percent of diagnosed COVID-19 patients without an underlying health condition (2 percent in ICU).”

  3. You do realize that percentage of deaths, is completely different than “chance” of death right…those are completely different things. And no, you don’t have data for anything…but tell me, do you still think the death rate is 3%?

  4. It’s nice that you (FINALLY!!) retreated from your 3% death rate…but again, nice wild 3 to 4 times exaggeration with your 1.5% death rate. The current death rate of infected is somewhere between .3% and .5%. I sort of appreciate the consistency of your dishonesty!!

  5. This is a false (and dangerously dishonest post). I corrected it with the real numbers based on actual science. Not sure why Edhat deleted it. (Might have been the use of 417 exclamation points, but whatever). As per the CDC (and EVERYONE!), the death rate is .3% to .5%. That’s high and dangerous and life changing…but it’s not 1.5% or 3%. To repeatedly say that (even without exclamation points) is obvious and intentional misinformation.

  6. I think I’ve linked the CDC on this like 400 times…but sure, here you go again!
    Parameter values Table 1
    ParameterScenario 1Scenario 2Scenario 3Scenario 4Scenario 5: Current Best Estimate
    Infection Fatality Ratio†0-19 years: 0.00002
    20-49 years: 0.00007
    50-69 years: 0.0025
    70+ years: 0.0280-19 years: 0.0001
    20-49 years: 0.0003
    50-69 years: 0.010
    70+ years: 0.0930-19 years: 0.00003
    20-49 years: 0.0002
    50-69 years: 0.005
    70+ years: 0.054

  7. Overall: 0.034
    Thanks for sending me there, I need to update my numbers as the CDC has lowered their estimated fatality rate to .34%. It has obviously been steadily going down, though they had stuck with .5% for the last month or so in spite of most other government health agencies being at .3%.

  8. Correct…and as per the CDC’s worst case scenario, the mortality rate is .5%..and the best current guess is .3%. Which obviously makes sense, no? If you go whale watching and see 3 whales, do you scientifically conclude that there are 3 whales in the Pacific Ocean?

  9. It’s Cronyism 101. Where’s the watchdog? There are reports from the rest of the country that vaccines are being distributed improperly. How do we know it’s not happening here? The lack of transparency, obfuscation and the slowness of the distribution borders on the criminal.

  10. Cottage claims to have vaccinated more than 2,900 employees representing 2/3 of their staff, from a Jan 6 Noozhawk article. There is also a good percentage with a good percentage refusing to be vaccinated. According to their website they employee 3,500 people. Given these numbers they are certainly vaccinating more than just the front line works covered in 1A.

  11. Thank you for confirming my suspicions. This is infuriating. We need new leadership, accountability and a watchdog.
    The population of Santa Barbara County is 447,218, and Dr. Van Do-Reynoso hopes to vaccinate 5,000 people by the end of the month. Everyone should be outraged by this plan. We need to ramp up the amount of vaccines purchased and distribute them quickly and equitably.
    Where is the urgency? What are we waiting for? More bodies to pile up in the morgues? The incompetence is, quite literally, breathtaking.

  12. Okay, the cases are going up. But let’s put things in perspective. Currently, 2,129 county residents have COVID-19. The represents 1/2 of 1% of the county residents. It also means 99.5% of of people in the county do NOT have the virus. And most who DO have it, are at home. Yes, be cautious, distant, and smart. But no need to run for the hills, just yet.
    Also, I do not understand why the news always talks about the total cases, ever, in the area. The only numbers that really matters are the CURRENT cases and ICU capacity.

  13. This whole Covid situation and the slow, hit or miss, vaccine roll-out is going to be a great fundraiser for public health agency budgets, right? Or will the loud libertarians say “to each his own”? I think with the world shrinking in terms of access and communications that a bit more social responsibility is needed, but with strong checks to prevent poor government execution and fascist leaning folks. But he who has the gold makes the rules with our current system of electioneering. Any chance we can move to public financing only of elections?

  14. Duke, what do you get out of attacking the facts? You know I have refs for everything I post, right? While you don’t support for anything you post. Because you can’t. “In early December, the overall weekly hospitalization rate reached its highest point since the beginning of the pandemic and remains elevated. Although reported rates in recent weeks have declined, these rates are likely to increase as additional data are reported. Based on death certificate data, the percentage of deaths attributed to pneumonia, influenza or COVID-19 (PIC) for week 53 was 14.5% and it remains above the epidemic threshold. ”

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