By edhat staff
The Santa Barbara County Public Health Department (PHD) reports 565 new COVID-19 cases and one additional death between Saturday and Monday.
The individual who passed away resided in the Santa Ynez Valley, was over 70 years old and had underlying medical conditions. The death was not associated with an outbreak at a congregate facility.
This brings the countywide death toll to 148.
There are now 14,935 total cases since the pandemic began. Of those, 1,109 are currently active, meaning infectious.
Hospitalization rates continue to increase as there are now 102 hospitalizations including 21 people in the intensive care unit (ICU) with the infectious virus.
The Southern California Region remains at 0% for ICU availability as the state adjusts the percentage downward if counties have a higher-than-expected ratio of COVID-19 patients occupying ICU spaces. Santa Barbara County has 38.10% ICU availability.
On Monday afternoon Governor Gavin Newsom provided an update regarding the regional stay-at-home order that is scheduled to be reassessed on December 28. He stated the end date will most likely be extended for the Southern California and San Joaquin regions that both have 0% ICU availability.
“We are likely — I think it’s pretty self-evident — going to need to extend those regional dates,” said Newsom.
Dr. Mark Ghaly, California’s Health and Human Services Secretary, said the state will make a decision on whether to lengthen the two region’s orders this weekend or early next week. Based on how the virus progresses, he stated they will be looking at ICU capacity projections four weeks from the day the original order could potentially be lifted.
“If you’re looking at the 28th of December, you’re looking at, what are ICU projections around the 25th of January,” he said.
More data can be found at
“We are rounding the turn . We are rounding the corner.”
Donald Trump August 2020
Mr. prez Useless.
How come after shutting down all the businesses cases are still increasing? Oh that’s right bc ppl r traveling and gathering still.
Because shutdowns don’t work
The saving grace is, even though we are in the deep of flu season – according to the CDC, between clinical labs and public health labs, there are only 789 cases of the flu in the entire country! How awesome is that?? Looks like only 172 deaths from the flu throughout the US since September 30, the beginning of flu season… California has tallied 4 deaths out of 46 cases, so far. Looks like that ‘TWINDEMIC!!!’, thing might not pan out.
We’ve never had a real shutdown, but even the minor restrictions we had worked. When we relaxed those, the mask refusers and me-first / money is more important gatherers caused massive spread, and the resulting economic damage will be worse than if we hadn’t relaxed. What we need now is a real shutdown, strictly enforced, for about two months.
Can you give a local example? I mean other than the online-in your face videos from somewhere else? We shopped for others who stayed home, wore gloves, masks, shopped every other day in multiple stores for months- never saw those “mask refusers or me first” people. Maybe just bad timing on our part.
11:28 – You just provided an example: “shopped every other day in multiple stores”. Some shutdown.
So are you saying with masks and gloves, we were spreading the virus? or that we are the selfish not me super spreaders?
Wildly exxagerated Pitmix number alert!!!! The current mortality rate of hospitalized COVID patients is 3.7%. Considering how persistently and wildly you’ve exxagerated the COVID death rate on here, this 3.5 times factor of exxageration is actually less than normal…
No ulterior motive on the shutdown Sac, just incompetence and political leaders that put big business head of their constituents (a problem from well before the pandemic). Just look at where the $ from the first and second round of stimulus is going. Are you also ignoring the record profits reported by Walmart, Target, Amazon, etc…? I’m surprised you think our political leaders on either side of the isle but people before big business.
I know there is no science between the some business closures they have done. Ca public health has told me no evidence of spread from our type of businesses. 0 cases yet here I am, 8 months in CLOSED. The businesses that were spreading it were offices.
Duke of Exaggeration, “Researchers examined a sample of 7,868 patients hospitalized with the coronavirus at 88 hospitals across the country between Jan. 17 and July 22. The data was collected from the American Heart Association’s COVID-19 Cardiovascular Disease Registry. The average mortality rate for all patients was 18.4%.”
The average has dropped since then but I can’t find anything that says it is a low as you would like it to be. Links?
Pitmix – Below are some links, but quick question: Do you still think the mortality rate of Covid 19 is 3% as you posted (and argued) literally dozens of times of here throughout the Summer and Fall in spite of all info…logic..reason…government stats? It’s as if you stopped looking at the news in mid April and are just going to stick with 8 month old numbers against any and all reason. I mean seriously…you tore into anyone that said the mortality rate wasn’t 3%…they were “Covid deniers”!,rate%20has%20stayed%20below%20since.
Initially no, but when politicians get a taste for more power, that’s when things really go down the tubes. There isn’t some grand plan to destroy small businesses, they just weren’t large donors like the corporations were so their needs were put behind the wants of the donors because above all else, everything else, politicians will do and say what they need to to get reelected (and appease those who give them money to do so). Newsome himself admitted that the response was political “‘There is opportunity for reimagining a [more] progressive era as it [relates] to capitalism… yes, absolutely we see this as an opportunity to reshape the way we do business and how we govern.’” You can and should always be questioning authority, that does not make you a conspiracy theorist.
and how many false positives are in that number? Two of our friends received notice that they tested positive for COVID and neither of them had even been tested. Makes you wonder.
Hey SOCALMOMMY were the letters addressed to them? Were these 2 distinct different friends and different? A lot of people tell stories about their “friends” and what happened to them to prove the virus is a hoax or some other conspiracy. It’s hard to believe 2 different people would receive letters to them saying they tested positive when neither of them had ever been tested. It’s like the story about my friend who received 3 mail-in ballots and they were all pre-filled in for Biden and addressed to his dead parents and great-grandfather (who served in Revolution), so there must have been fraud against Trump….. see how that works?
Create restrictions
Don’t enforce them
Wait for things to get worse
Use that as an excuse to make more restrictions
And yet, Voice, the pandemic does actually exist.
So, according to your logic, we need a rule that prevents people from being at home? Because that is where most get infected? Everyone just be outside walking around all of the time? Big time eye roll.
You are saying there is a 10% death rate in CA due to the flu? And a 25% death rate for the entire country? Have you told VOR and his buddies this info? No way these numbers are correct. Eye roll.
I saw a 1 bedroom house on the Eastside that had 30 people living there. You want to lock them in there ? (eye roll)
SEA DOG – Q told me to tell you she no longer requires your services. You’re free to think your own thoughts again!
If there is a 1-bdr house with 30 people living in it, odds are they are outside a lot anyway because that house doesn’t have enough room for more than 10 of them at a time. But I don’t believe your anonymous internet story is actually true. Post a link to verify that it is. Or a google satellite image.
Unfortunately his box had 4 corners and we were just rounding the 1st one.
CA – arbitrary restrictions benefiting mega corporations and Hollywood that allow packed malls but no outside dining, no haircuts, public schools remain closed, widespread mask usage.
FL – no restrictions since the end of September, indoor dining allowed, public schools open, no masks.
CA – cases/100k last seven days: 109.3
FL – cases/100k last seven days: 49.9
Actually, the local data shows the opposite. You can look at the graphs and see when the shutdowns or lockdowns took place and see the curve bending shortly after. Graphs are fun.
Hard to explain how the masking worked on the flu but not covid?
Letmego, explain this:
CA – arbitrary restrictions benefiting mega corporations and Hollywood that allow packed malls but no outside dining, no haircuts, public schools remain closed, widespread mask usage.
FL – no restrictions since the end of September, indoor dining allowed, public schools open, no masks.
CA – cases/100k last seven days: 109.3
FL – cases/100k last seven days: 49.9
VOR – Florida’s numbers are disgusting compared to California especially with the lower population.
Total Cases : 1,181,549
Cases / 100,000: 5,547
Deaths / 100/000: 96
Total Cases: 1,184,456
Cases / 100,000: 4,688
Deaths / 100,000: 56
Way to deflect GT, that is why I put cases per 100K, also looked and recent activity which is a more accurate measure of where we’re at today vs. what happened 9 months when the world was going crazy. But you knew that. I bet if you found reliable stats on deaths/100k over the past month we’d be doing worse than FL there as well, but I couldn’t easily find that info. Clearly, the measures CA currently has in place aren’t working, so why continue what isn’t working? FL and other states have proven we will not be worse off if they’re removed, people want to stay safe.
“Proven” lol
in case you didn’t even read my post:
CA – cases/100k last seven days: 109.3
FL – cases/100k last seven days: 49.9
CA – heavy restrictions, mask mandate.
FL – no restrictions no masks.
But sure, let’s keep destroying our small businesses, maybe it will work this time…….
Andno explanation of why Florida has a nearly 50% higher death rate per 100,000 and nearly 15% higher case count per 100,000 in a state with about half the population of California. Florida numbers could actually be higher due to the proven hiding of the true numbers by Rick Desantis and his far-right cronies giving data that only Dr. Mengele would have been proud of.
wow voice of reason you are cherry picking data points there, and also plopping in a few lies.
CA has not had widespread mask usage for one. dont lie to us.
ohhh wow I really hope you didnt just say we should follow Florida’s “plan”. Florida is basically the epitome of what NOT to do in this. General Tree is correct…..
not hard at all, but you dont want to hear it so……cliff notes. it works for both. covid spreads more easily than the flu….. start reading up on the details before making silly claims
VOR, and I’m saying, you can just look at the data…but that data doesn’t fit your narrative, I get that. Also, FL’s data is suspect – have you not researched that? Deliberately falsifying their numbers, seizing the computer of the person who quit because of that (when she continued to provide accurate numbers?) I mean, please, you aren’t even trying.
VOR – oh wow…… please explain WITH CITES how the restrictions benefit “mega corporations and Hollywood” – I’m worried here. I thought you were rational and intelligent, not a Q nut. Please prove me wrong.
Seadog what doctors office do you work out of, and what school did you go for internal medicine degree? stop spreading misinformation….. its not helpful
Pstar, I’m not sure where you’re going to make you think CA doesn’t have widespread mask usage. Not cherry picking when I’m looking at where we’re at now, what measures are or are not in place now, and what is working or is not working now. FL got hit hard and early, thus the higher TOTAL deaths per capita. If you look at the past few weeks, per, while CA has twice the population of FL it has MORE than twice the daily deaths as FL. Still waiting for an answer, if the measures CA has in place aren’t working, or aren’t working any better than an area with no restrictions, why continue to them?
SEA DOG – you should be ashamed by your lies.
“that is where most people pass it around.” – Nope. Wrong. People isolating in their home are not super spreaders. Indoor dining, parties, events, etc are the problem…. not people who are isolating in their homes. That’s such a bizarre take on reality I’m not sure how to help.
“You don’t catch it walking by someone.” – Sure you do, if they sneeze, cough, exhale, talk (say “hi”), yell, as you walk past them without a mask.
“Globalists will need to crush the middle class before we get to socialism.” – Just no.
Florida hospitalizations climbing steadily, 12% of those will die. Forget testing results because they are affected by political decisions. Feel free to move to FLA at any time.
Seriously Sac? I think you’re just being argumentative if you can’t see how these restrictions target small businesses while sparing the large corporations and special interest groups like Hollywood and professional sports who get exemptions. The head of California Health and Human Services even said outdoor dining isn’t unsafe, the ban is just to force people to stay home. But the big boxes remain open….because that TV for xmas is “essential”. There is a bill going around congress to tax the large corporations for pandemic profiteering based on their increase in sales in 2020 over prior years, as was done during WWI and II, but it won’t go anywhere because the majority of congress put their donors needs over their constituents.
yes stop polluting threads with REAL DATA with your cherry picked narrow minded fit your agenda data. seriously stop, you are not helping
heres another tidbit for yer liking.
florida cases per 1m – 64,174
california cases per 1m – 52,235
again, stop making things up.