By edhat staff
The Public Health Department reports 1,303 new COVID-19 cases over the holiday weekend from Friday through Monday.
There were 456 cases reported alone on Monday including six deaths.
All decedents were over the age of 70, five had underlying health conditions and were associated with an outbreak at a congregate facility. Two resided in Santa Barbara, one in Goleta, one in Orcutt, one in the unincorporated areas of South County, and one in the Santa Ynez Valley.
There have been a total of 166 deaths.
Deaths are reported when a death certificate is processed listing COVID-19 as a cause or a significant condition. The process can take several days and up to 2 months to finalize if pending Coroner verification.
There have now been 18,686 cases of COVID-19 throughout the county with 1,949 currently active. Of those 157 are hospitalized including 48 in the intensive care unit (ICU), as of Monday.
The Southern California ICU availability remains at 0% while the Santa Barbara County ICU availability is at 0.7%, as of Sunday.
Cottage Health alone reported their adult critical care availability at 13.3% capacity on Monday. They currently have 79 patients in isolation with COVID-19 symptoms, 71 are confirmed positive. Of the 79 patients, 23 are in critical care.
Public Health officials have previously stated it may take up to two weeks for infections to show up in the data following the Christmas and New Year holidays.
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[Editor’s Note: The article has been updated to include the data from Monday]
It is disappointing to me that these reports do not contain some sort of graph showing the trends. Simply having raw numbers does not tell us where we are headed.
Ehat staff: These graphed data should be front and center in the updates. Thanks for the reference but the trends are more important than raw numbers in isolation. Noting that a few deaths were marked today is easy to ignore. Maybe if folks understood where we are headed they would not be so dismissive of their obligation to mask and distance.
Old people in nursing homes are paying the price. Where’s the outrage?
Elderly in nursing homes are 90% of the cases as businesses are decimated, drug overdoses and suicides skyrocket and criminals run the streets.
The dashboard is honestly great, but I do strongly agree some screenshots of the best charts would be a great addition to these posts. I’d bet there is a significant demographic of people able to navigate edhat, but would have trouble getting around the dashboard, there is a learning curve for sure.
Lakers Girl 90% of Covid cases are not in nursing homes. There is sadness and outrage over nursing homes. What exactly are you going on about???
8:03 PM :
I don’t think you understand the severity of the pandemic.
Do you think over 353,000 deaths in the USA alone are faked or flu?
International death totals are somehow faked?
Other countries are in on the conspiracy?
Too little thinking behind such comments.
8:03 PM – The latest CDC statistics on place of death (as of Dec 30, when the CDC total was only 301,679 deaths) shows that by far the majority of deaths occurred in hospitals during inpatient care (192,822). Hospice deaths (9,978) and Nursing Home deaths (66,553) don’t even come close. Once again, you’re dispensing misinformation from social media.
Anyone can see the data here:
Oops! Hospice deaths were only 8,772. The 9,978 figure was for people who died while in the ER.
And being generous, and assuming by “old” you mean 65 and up, on the same CDC page you can see the age demographics. For all ages 65 and over, deaths are a bit under 81% of the total. That is regardless of the location. So, your 90% is impossible. You’re the one blind to the facts.
CA – masked up and closed down. Cases last 7 days per 100k: 97.1 (second highest in US)
FL – no masks and open since end of Sept. (even Disneyland). Cases last 7 days per 100k: 60.5 (middle of the pack)
CA has about twice the deaths per capita over the last 7 days as FL.
I’ve been posting these weekly for about a month now, is it still “cherry picking data”?
How long do we keep trying to force something that isn’t working for covid but certainly is causing significant collateral damage? Stay home, if you choose, go out, if you choose, the choice should be yours. Stay safe.
You still haven’t clued in to the fact that the behavior you push for is what’s causing the surges. Non-pharmaceutical interventions, wearing masks, physical distancing, and shutdowns are the only things that work until the vaccine can be deployed on a large scale.
Chem – I so appreciate all your input, but I still can’t get numbers to balance out in the geography tab. New case numbers off by 20, active case numbers off by 141. Please tell me again how you got them to match up to what the County numbers are.
Mac-What about this shutdown is “working?” Here I’ll help, nothing!
It’s not working because there is no shutdown, and even the slight restrictions in place are being largely ignored. And it’s true, you do nothing to help.
Amateur hour resumes.
That’s funny mac I know several people out of work wondering if they will even have a business to open when the governor either gets recalled or changes his tune. They most definitely ARE on lockdown and it’s clear more than ever now that locking them out of their businesses was pointless.
Sbtownie- you answered your own question in the second paragraph of your 9:04 am comment. That is what people are doing now that they can’t meet up to eat outside at a restaurant or walk through the zoo or museum. I am now having double the amount of private gatherings since there is nothing else to do. Sorry, the government doesn’t get to tell me who I can and can’t see, that’s why we have prisons.
VOR, are these additional deaths above the regular deaths we have due to poverty, inadequate access to health care, income inequality, and everything else that is part of our crony capitalist system? Does your study quantify those deaths first before they tack on the 900,000 extra? Mostly we are okay with these “regular” deaths so why the concern now?
Yes Pit, the 890,000 are additional deaths as a result of the increased unemployment/poverty due to the covid response that would not have occurred otherwise.
Yes, you should always get your medical advice from the National Bureau of Economic Research. No money motive there; only your health matters.
420722 – you’re willfully contributing to the spread of COVID because you’re bored? Holy cow that’s the most selfish thing I’ve heard in a while. Don’t you have kids or spouse? Enjoy the close family time this is providing. Like SBTOWNIE says, go outside, improve yourself, do something. What on earth do you do at “private gatherings” that are so much more enlightening and rewarding than spending time with your own family? Sitting around drinking and BSing with friends? Do it on Zoom, my friends and I haven’t seen each other since March and we still “meet” on zoom, group texts etc. I’m sorry being home with your family is boring you to the point of spreading a deadly virus, but that sounds like a YOU problem, not the government’s. Good lord, I can’t believe this.
Fact checking is seen as censorship by those who promote falsehoods.
Specifically, your ludicrous claim in regard to shutting down restaurants. More generically, your position on the efficacy of shutdowns, even the watered-down versions that are all that we’ve tried. Facts that contradict your opinion mean nothing to you.
Facts, like the one from Gov. Cuomo : “Nearly three-quarters of the state’s coronavirus infections have come from private gatherings, or “living room spread,” while only 1.4% of them could be traced to restaurants and bars” (and that’s WITH indoor operations!) Is Gov. Cuomo “ludicrous” too? (yes, but that a separate discussion) After 10 months people are going to gather, period, so please tell me is it better for them to gather in a private living room or a restaurant with health and safety protocols in place? I think a dose of your own medicine will do you some good as you’re ignoring all facts that refute your position. I will read with an open mind any facts you have to show the efficacy of what’s going on in CA. I’ll wait…
VOR – this reasoning relies on a huge, unfounded presumption that, if people are unable to go out to dine in restaurants, then they’ll all start throwing indoor parties. It makes no sense. Dining out is usually a small group (eg, family or couple) experience. It does not make sense to fear that, given the inability to have a meal in a restaurant, these families and/or couples will just invite all their friends over for a party instead. Just think about it.
Also, still waiting for your solution to only at-risk and elderly being on lockdown…..
Way to deflect from my facts Sac, you did say “Facts that contradict your opinion mean nothing to you” deflect much? Who said all their friends are coming over to have a party? How about just a few friends over to watch football, another family over for dinner, double date to watch a movie? You must not have any friends if you think that is a “huge, unfounded presumption”. You also haven’t been watching the news in LA showing the parties their cracking down on with hundreds of people, underground raves/parties, etc. The fact that your questioning that makes me thing you’re just arguing, most will agree that its a rather reasonable assumption, which turns to fact when it happens.
Regarding your second part, I’m not sure what you’re waiting for as you restated the solution, which we’re not doing in CA because some how, there are STILL outbreaks in nursing homes.
The shutdown is not ‘pointless’ – Before we get socialism, the middle class must be crushed. We had less deaths overall in 2019 than 2020. This is unusual as our population is increasing so the overall deaths should increase ?
Sea Dog, I think the notion/rumor that 2020 had less overall deaths than 2019 has been pretty much discredited.
Heres a simple explanation for how lockdowns will work. NOT how they are working now. because they are not.
lockdowns work when everyone follows the rules.
lockdowns DONT work when a portion of the community does NOT follow the guildines.
Just because YOU follow the guidlines, and your friends do. the jackass neighbor does NOT and this will cause our cases to continue to spike.
When people are still traveling on airplanes, ignoring maks. this till continue. the lockdowns are NOT happening how they should and they havent since the start of this. the people you should all be pissed at are the ones NOT following the rules.
and yes, I see people not wearing masks every god damn day. I work with 10 mask deniers that still to this day will not wear one. the anger is pointed at the wrong location. if you want the lockdowns to stop and the virus to go away…. wear the mask, social distance, dont travel. and stop being an asshat.
PStar, we locked down in March/April very hard for several weeks. That is about the extent you can ask society to not see family and friends, to have businesses shutdown, livelihoods destroyed. There is a very good reason why long-term lockdowns were not part of any pandemic response plan, not in the US, not in Europe, not with the CDC and not with the WHO. There is a point where many rational people will simply say NO. Continued lockdowns (and/or heavy restrictions) are a policy of poor leadership. If a governor can just issue a mandate and expect everyone to comply why are there police? Why do countries have militaries? We could just mandate peace and everyone will listen? You are a failed leader if your response is to mandate people stay home and away from family and friends for 10+ months, even worse is when you arbitrarily allow a packed Target or Best Buy, but not a gym, yoga studio or salon with basic precautions in place, to ban outdoor dinning while people can fly across the state 12” from a stranger taking their mask off to eat. Lockdowns (or the very heavy restrictions we’re currently under for the nitpickers) are a short-term solution to delay, it will not eliminate and it is not a long-term solution. Unfortunately, due to the fear mongering media, social media, and the worst case of DoSomeThingitis by many politicians ever seen, we completely overreacted and wasted what “lockdown ammo” we had way to early.
VOR, feel free to live your life and attend superspreader events. Most of the rest of us will be isolating and distancing until we get vaccinated. The economy will not rebound until that time. Those are the hard facts that your posts will not change. Still think you would really like Florida.
Voice, your numbers are accurate but totally misleading. Yesterday Cali tested 314,000, Florida tested 33,000. Cali had 27,000 positive, Florida 10,000 – if Florida had tested even 9 times the 33,000, close to what Cali did, that would extrapolate to 90,000. Pare that 90,000 down if you want, but it’s still much higher than Cali. Cali, with almost twice the population, has 26,600 deaths, Florida 22,500. Simple math shows that Florida is out of control. My figures from John Hopkins University.
Thanks for that, RadioBarn. Cold hard numbers are the true “Voice Of Reason” here.
I am upset that businesses are suffering and are not being adequately provided for by the government. I understand people feeling like they have to make the impossible decision of keeping their business going even if it means flauting regulation. I believe the government is to blame for foisting this on citizens. The PPP was wonderful. We need an extension.
However, there are many people who are not living as if there is a lockdown. On my street, neighbors come and go all day, kids are hanging out with their friends without masks, they are getting dropped off by people after riding in cars with non-family members, most are attending school full or part-time or about to return on Januar 11, young adults in their 20s and 30s are clearly hanging out with friends as they’re going places at night (not like you can be out hiking or something at night, so where else are they going in their cars for 3 hours at night). In the community, the gyms are open. Stop by any gym around 6pm and you’ll see an army of young people carrying gym bags heading inside. Yes, inside. People are traveling. A bagger at Whole Foods yesterday was telling the checker how fun it was that his family flew in for Christmas from New York City. We walk our dog near the mission and the rose garden is packed with multi-household events and gatherings every day of the week. When I do go out for provisions, the roads are as busy as ever. Seriously, what lockdown? Probably 50% of the population is living like there is no tomorrow.
VOR, how does shutting outdoor dining “force people to gather in homes?” And for the record, I was personally infected with a nasty cold after having an outdoor lunch with a friend who infuriatingly showed up sick a few years ago. People meeting their friends at outdoor dining locations isn’t safe. It would be a lot safer and feasible if one household were allowed to dine outdoors as a unit without meeting up with other households, but there is no way to enforce this and thus all of it has to be closed. I think a huge error was made when they basically told people you can’t get sick outdoors. Sure, odds are less. But you can absolutely get sick from meeting your friend and eating and drinking for 2 hours 4 feet away from them.
Radio Barn and Townie, the numbers are direct from the CDC and using their per/100k numbers adjusts for the varying population. Your explanation on the # of test is not accurate. You have things way backwards if you think Florida has been doing worse than CA this past month. You’re also completely missing the point, long-term lockdowns don’t work, and people not following them is one of the main reasons. To even think that a long-term lockdown is potential solution for humans is crazy and tells all of us you haven’t missed a paycheck this entire time, aren’t worried where you next meal is coming from, or if you’ll have a place to live next month. Do i really need to explain to you how if outdoor dinning isn’t an option, friends and family from different households will meet at home instead of an outdoor restaurants, which has been proved very safe with all the protocols in place?
15 days to slow the spread…
Freak, it almost sounds like you are just a tiny bit concerned–bro, don’t get shaky and join the death cult.
1 percent capacity in ICUs in SB County, remember about two weeks ago when you were yammering about how our capacity was just fine and everyone was freaking out like a bunch of sheep.
VOR I have missed more paychecks than I can HOPE to try and find again. You sir have no place to assume anything of anyone here. Ok, seriously I cant believe Im having to explain this part, Closing outside dinning is causing different households to mingle? Where on earth do you go out to dinner, and then decide ” oh here’s a family I HAVE NEVER meet, lets go eat dinner with them! at their HOUSE!” no one EVER has done this, EVER. stop spreading false information. Stop making numbers fit your narrative.
go read this, PLEAAAAASSE and see the charts. then see the data. per 1 mil people florida is ABOVE california in cases, ABOVE US. let alone they are the 3rd worst state. why would you use them as an example? blows my mind.
NOW look at the little graph, the graphic showing the TRENDING data. both california and florida are CLIMBING RAPPIDLY. again why are you championing for us to follow floridas failed progress on this.
Censorship Ed is at it again:
I agree Pit. You and rest should isolate and distance until vaccinated (though apparently you still need to mask, distance and isolate after being vaccinated so there’s that). Me and others that choose should be free to live our lives and run our businesses without the government arbitrarily closing things down (i.e. not based on data or science targeting where the spread is occurring). Keep up with the fear mongering though Pit, NO WHERE did I mention any activity that could construed as a “super spreader event”. Except maybe the recent shutdown of outdoor dinning, which forced many more people to gather in homes instead (without all the precautions), resulting in a “super spreader event”.
Pstar, are you looking at the charts? New cases today are over 4x FL with only 2x the population. My numbers were straight from the CDC and over the past month, CA is way worse than FL. Even if they were similar, and were both increasing in unison, that is an excellent example of why we don’t need such damaging restrictions — because they aren’t working! If they were working, we wouldn’t be talking about this and we’d be back to normal soon.
SBTownie, same thing I have from the beginning. Those at risk, older, or simply want to should stay home and stay safe. Everyone else should be free to go out, patron businesses, all with reasonable (and proven to work) precautions in place.
MountainMan, I have 450 cases today, while they have a total of 456. As I’ve stated before, their data entry is often not very consistent and the numbers don’t always add up for me either. What I do is only consider the column labeled “Total Confirmed Cases” on the status report, which is simply labeled as “Total” on the Geography tab on the Dashboard. I don’t bother with how many are active or recovered for the different regions because the data entry is sloppy—so I can’t really help you there. Using just the “Total” values, you can subtract any given day by the previous day to find the daily new cases by region. These dailies often don’t match up with what’s in their “Daily Cases” (status report) and “New” (dashboard) values, which is why I ignore those columns and calculate these values myself. The “Total” column values (either dashboard or status report), when summed, should agree with the “Cumulative Positive” value in the “Testing Status” box in the status report, which is why I do trust the “Total” column values and really nothing else under Geography. I hope this make sense. You seem to be focusing much more than I am on the Geography breakdown in terms of active cases. I’m fine just using the active cases for the entire county for my purposes.
For those that think opening up is all about the money and not about health please read at least the abstract of the study below written by professors from Duke, Johns Hopkins, and Harvard. They estimate there will be an additional 890,000 deaths over the next 15 years resulting from the economic recession and high unemployment our response to Covid-19 has caused. These lives matter too.