Underwater Parks Day
Underwater Parks Day is an annual festival celebrating marine protected areas (MPAs): the underwater parks that preserve the biodiversity and abundance of ocean life. Join us this year for a series of virtual events. To attend any or all of the free events, you only need one Zoom link, which will let you hop on and off from 10:00 AM to 3:00 PM. Register here: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_-GyiiKsxTwWBJ7uuKlMr0A
For more information about any of these events, visit sbnature.org/calendar or sbnature.org/upd
10:00 AM – Pledge to the Coast: Protect Local MPAs
Watch a fun informative video and take the pledge to protect our vitally important local MPAs. Earn an ocean-themed reusable canvas tote filled with beach cleanup supplies that will help you keep our coast clean. (Available for pickup at the Sea Center to the first 100 registrants who complete the pledge.)
11:30 AM – Art Meets Science for Kids: Garibaldi Gardening
Hone your craft skills with an art project and learn about the Garibaldi’s favorite hobby: gardening! Visit sbnature.org/upd first to download a printable coloring sheet.
12:30 PM – Lunch and Learn: Dive into Local Underwater Parks with Channelkeeper
Grab takeout from our favorite ocean-friendly restaurant, Rincon Brewery, then (virtually) dive into our local underwater marine parks with Santa Barbara Channelkeeper.
2:00 PM – Virtual Animal Encounter and Tour of the Sea Center
Tour the Sea Center and join our aquarist team for a live, interactive virtual animal encounter and feeding.
Sponsored in part by the NSF Grant OCE-1851194, EF-1921367 1921367.