WALK INTO WILDFIRE An Immersive Multimedia Exhibit
The Burn Cycle Project and artist Ethan Turpin present Walk Into Wildfire, an immersive multimedia exhibit designed to give participants an experiential, proxy view inside a wildland fire. Audiences of all ages can both hear and see how fire moves through landscapes from a rarely seen perspective. This new installation includes recent footage within fires on the Central Coast and wondrous time-lapse video of green, post-fire growth. By having the experience of “being there” viewers have a unique point of view that captures the attention and induces important discussions about fire’s place in nature, fire preparedness, defensible space, prescribed burning, and resilience. April 24 - May 1, 2-6pm daily at the Buellton Recreation Center, 301 2nd Street, Buellton, California. Visit www.BurnCycleProject.com for more information.