UCSB Lumina: A Life of Peace
Directed by Graduate Teaching Assistant David Lozano Torres and accompanied by graduate pianist Pinshu Yu, UCSB Lumina (formerly the UCSB Women’s Chorus) will present a virtual mini-concert, “A Life of Peace,” on Monday, March 15, 2021 from 6-6:15 pm PST as a YouTube Premiere via the Department of Music's YouTube channel. “Nothing can bring peace to the heart, mind, and soul like music can,” noted Torres of the program. “This new year has brought about many trials and opposition in all aspects of life. Finding a moment of stillness in a world that is constantly moving, busy, and noisy, can be crucial. Experience the ability to find peace and purpose through harsh winter climate and troubles in the world in Winters Cold by Michael John Trotta. Afterwards, escape into the soothing, ponderous tune painted by the peaceful sonorities of Dan Forrest's Shalom. Accompanying the music is an array of stunning video and artwork that will take you on a journey of awe-inspiring moments in nature.”
For more information visit: https://music.ucsb.edu/news/event/2182
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/c/UCSantaBarbaraDepartmentofMusic